Pfizer Just Got Caught!!!!



Finally, the huge amounts of money flowing from corporations into Congress is being talked about.

When the Oligarchs Stooge gets caught, there is no punishment from the Oligarchy.


  1. Just watch TV, they (big Pharma)push every pill, vax, so called supplements, etc. for anything and everything under the sun. It’s deplorable.
    God forbid they push a drug free society, i.e. eat healthy, exercise, work hard, live a traditional life, believe in God, etc..

  2. These big asses know damn good and well that these vaccines and boosters and anything else they want to throw at us has to do with population control. Bill Gates as one of these jerkoffs has his hands in this as well. These vaccines are not safe as they say but they put fear into people that if they don’t get the vaccine the virus will kill them. NOT TRUE!! Biden and Harris and their flunkies are saying they got vaccinated, how do we know it was the vaccine, how do we know it wasn’t a vitamin shot, B12 or any kind of vitamin supplement shot? Face it these big shots aren’t taking something that wasn’t fully approved. These people are protected by high paid doctors and these medical professionals will make sure their health is not affected. I’m sick to death of this halfwit old coot Biden who doesn’t care a rats ass about regular people in this country. He has shown it many times he has no respect for others except for his family. This bastard is a heartless piece of shit, look how he treated the people in Maui, saying he knew how they felt and said he lost a home. Pure LIES! That’s all this jackass does is lies. People don’t let any of these idiots talk you into getting vaccinated because it’s not proven to be 100% safe.

    • Stupid old senile poopypants Joe gets a 10 gallon shot of 5 hour energy drink everyday, AND HE STILL CAN’T STAY AWAKE! As for ex porno star Harris, her shot is Spanish Fly.

    • I wholeheartedly agree with you and everything you have said! What you have said is only the tip of the iceberg as well! That traitor should have been impeached on a dozen different things a long time ago!

  3. Also Fauci is one of the biggest hypocrite and liar of them all. This bastard made huge amounts of money off of the Covid virus. He was involved with Wuhan where the virus started. His nasty ass should be convicted and put in prison for all the shenanigans he was doing. He had people die because of his crimes and the money he made should be taken from him. I hope he burns in hell.


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