There should be consequences for this level of slander.
Funny how they know how shitty electric cars actually are when it is time to whine about Elon. Spoiler, they all suck balls and they wanted us reliant on them.
No, Thanks I do not watch the spew either, Timmy,…. I find Joyless behar, and poopy goldsplat to be totally Revolting, and wish that they would follow their own lies and just leave, maybe Somalia, or Syria would be more suitable for them, as for Madcow?, I have Not watched her since she became TOTALLY TDS, and began lying full time, back in 2015
Ratchet-mouth madcow defames someone ? what a shock !
it is either this, or go get your info, from a crack whore on The Spew
No, Thanks I do not watch the spew either, Timmy,…. I find Joyless behar, and poopy goldsplat to be totally Revolting, and wish that they would follow their own lies and just leave, maybe Somalia, or Syria would be more suitable for them, as for Madcow?, I have Not watched her since she became TOTALLY TDS, and began lying full time, back in 2015