“we need to crack open her skull, to see what is in it”. Kind of like “passing a bill, to see what is in it”. nutty Nancy and her homo husband… good grief
SHE is a cross between a potato and an ear of corn, both used in vodka production. Her attention to Capt. Smirnoff or other corn squeezing’s has complicated her thinking. Of course, she always lived and exceeded the gray areas. Can you imagine the conversation between her and Joey. 2 nut jobs trying to convince the other that they were better off than proof (visual) was saying. something like your nuts, no your nuts, no you are…..you get it. The only problem their stupidity has given us a worse product.
This is proof that term limits in congress is needed! Pelosi, Schumer & all the rest! Even the idiots in the squad! These idiots are trying to dismantle the Supreme Court! And they are the ones that needs the boot!!
what socialist Amerika needs, is “men”. Like the ones that have existed for thousands of years. They were still around in 1776 and 1861. The greatest generation (WW II) were pretty good. WHAT the hell happened?
I give her 6 months and she’ll be a vegetable.
“we need to crack open her skull, to see what is in it”. Kind of like “passing a bill, to see what is in it”. nutty Nancy and her homo husband… good grief
SHE is a cross between a potato and an ear of corn, both used in vodka production. Her attention to Capt. Smirnoff or other corn squeezing’s has complicated her thinking. Of course, she always lived and exceeded the gray areas. Can you imagine the conversation between her and Joey. 2 nut jobs trying to convince the other that they were better off than proof (visual) was saying. something like your nuts, no your nuts, no you are…..you get it. The only problem their stupidity has given us a worse product.
This is proof that term limits in congress is needed! Pelosi, Schumer & all the rest! Even the idiots in the squad! These idiots are trying to dismantle the Supreme Court! And they are the ones that needs the boot!!
what socialist Amerika needs, is “men”. Like the ones that have existed for thousands of years. They were still around in 1776 and 1861. The greatest generation (WW II) were pretty good. WHAT the hell happened?
Piglosi must have caught dementia from Obiden.