Republicans DEMOLISH Liberal Reporter Screaming NO EVIDENCE For Biden Impeachment As Media COPES!



Schumer’s lack of self-awareness is astonishing. Yet, at the same time, it’s not.

Impeaching Biden will cheer us up
Please, shut the government down, keep them out of trouble


  1. Liberals say there’s no evidence? There are bank documents, recordings, emails, text messages, witness afidaivits, etc..etc…

    Unlike what they had when they were trying to impeach Trump.

  2. liberals are afraid…. very afraid because they know whats going to happen… biden will go and harris right behind him because their corruption has finally come forward… lie lie lie lie lielie. that’s all they know how to do… schumer calls it a witch hunt for biden, what do they think they’ve done to Trump for the last TWO YEARS? The demonrats are so corrupt its become the normal for them… well its time to pay the piper biden, you and harris and obama are destroying this country and its gonna stop… NOW

  3. My fellow Americans. Unfortunately this impeachment is ALL FOR TV. Nothing is going to happen about this just like The withdrawal from Afghanistan. Joe Biden is a pedophile and he raped Tara Reid and he has been taking bribes along with ALMOST every member of our congress. BOTH SDIDES suck and are in on screwing the American People. A lot of our people are to STUPID to see the truth when its plain as day in frontt of our eyes. No one mentions HUNTERS cocaine that was found in the whitehouse. Not a peep now about that BUT TRUMP is the criminal. Seriously, they think we are STUPID. The generations following the Baby Boomers cannot even give CHANGE or write a good sentence or even SPELL. We are in serious trouble because they have dumbed us down ON PURPOSE!!!!

  4. What good will it do to impeach Biden? We’ve seen Clinton, Trump – twice and it’s only for show. Washington is just playing a game. Every day Democrats find a new incident to charge former President Trump for fraud, trying to overthrow the 2020 election, etc. He’s the only person that is being called out. I don’t believe the news media, I certainly don’t believe our Government because they sure aren’t acting for the betterment of their citizens. If censoring the right isn’t communist, I don’t know what you call it.

  5. The democrats on longer care about law and order. its all about save face for the party. When did they go so far left that the people and country of longer matter to them. Won’t it be better if they put out the corrupt party members and save face for the democrat party. How can anyone think old Joe is doing a great job when he can’t even get things back to where Trump had them, yet alone make things better. W3 all know Joe isn’t running the country. No way in hell could he. He couldn’t run a kool-aid stand on the corner yet alone the country. They cry about Trump on vacation but then look at Biden, And at tax payers cost. Time to fix things befor there’s no more hope for the country and the people. At no time does the wolf pack put the weakest wolf as leader, so why are we ????

  6. One would of thought, with all the corruption, Someone would of stopped all this BS of the far left communist democrat party by now. Guess the white supremacist privileges works for some after all.


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