Riley Gaines DROPS BOMBSHELL On Lia Thomas Allegedly HAVING S*X With Women While SHARING Locker Room



Female athletes should have shut this down in the beginning.

Call me a loser, I care not.
A couple weeks ago I was selling plasma and went to take my place in line.
A 40 ish year old man stood next to me, well dressed, respectful in appearance.
I asked if he was voting, he said yes.
I asked for who and replied “ you already know, Joe Biden”
I asked if he was kidding and he said he was not.
So, I asked why he would vote for him, what prompts him to vote that way.
He claimed that since Biden’s been in office his 401 k has been doing great, we are safer as a nation and the overall economy is great!
I literally walked away from him stating I had just paid $4 for a dozen eggs!
When Trump and us freedom loving Americans had the election stolen I took a picture of bacon, eggs and hamburger.
Bacon $2.99, eggs $1.49 and hamburger $2.99 a lb.
That was in 2020.
Democrats are literally insane and brainwashed beyond measure.
God bless America!!


  1. Riley Gaines is a hero (heroine), but Lia Tomas & it’s ilk are men who couldn’t compete with other men, so they took unfair advantage of women, by claiming to be women. Why is it we never hear of biological women (who claim to be men) competing with actual men, & winning ? Nature (natures God)has endowed males & females with different equipment, in order to fulfill their respective roles. Absolute truth conforms to reality; & yes there is reality. People who were raised on a farm, understand reality…& truth.

  2. (yes, “farm animals are smarter than some people in todays warped world”.) God made man and woman. Nothing in between. I don’t remember ever reading in the Bible” about “she/her or he/him” or any other term relating to men or women……only “homosexuals”/
    If a man goes into a womans locker room and
    “his manlihood pops up”, you KNOW, he’s in there for his own enjoyment and the women should be careful they don’t get raped! If
    nothing happens, “there’s something “WRONG” with him & he should see a dr. but needs to stay out of womens facilities and sports.
    Women should just “walk out and refuse to compete with a MAN. If women continuely allow this, the more men or boys are going to
    keep persuing the insanity! Join together and

  3. Well said Dan, once TRUMP wins in November, America will finally wakeup to stomp out “wokeism, Transvestites and Marxism locally and in our Federal Gov.

    Alot of losers will be looking for jobs.

  4. They suffer from that trump derangement sickness. They must of been dropped on their heads as kids. I know people that changed to Republicans cause the way trump had their 401s running so high making a killing on it. Now their not, so not sure what that dude was talking about his 401. Guess there’s not helping the stupid people but there . They have to learn the hard way.

  5. The NCAA is Woke garbage.
    Full of corruption and favoritism before all of this current insanity and now even more so. If the Athletes don’t have full reassignment surgery, then they shouldn’t be allowed to compete as women period. That last word is one thing they cannot manufacture on the operating table. Undergo full removal of Male bits and pieces and then say you’re a woman. It still won’t be true but you will at least have proven you are committed to what you represent about yourself. You don’t get to do anything competitive while “transitioning”, which can last forever or never, and allows you to take advantage of your history of Male athleticism. You don’t qualify as a woman until you have the full parts and all the estrogen and the testosterone levels are more equal to biological women. Then and only then should it even be considered. Allowed would still require more follow up study and testing.
    And that should pretty much make all of this go away.


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