Secret Service Bodycam Footage Of Trump Assassin RELEASED! Worse Than You Can Imagine: ‘We FAILED’


Senator Chuck Grassley just released BOMBSHELL footage from the Trump attack – This is insane


People in government wanted Trump ended. This isn’t just incompetence.

They were so confident that Trump would get hit that they didn’t have a backup plan for a miss.


  1. but but…. Lana. once the incompetent leave their “office/post” THEY, just like the POTUS (except DJT) are immune to prosecution….. We (slaves) have to pay them, they can abuse us, violate their oath, cash their checks and NOT DO A DAMNED THING they were hired for? Welcome to the Divided Socialist STATE of Amerika. Keep paying them to abuse you, blame others, you cowards, idiots, waifs, knaves…. of the worse kind

  2. Look we are just going to have to come to the understanding that the government bureaucrats are our overlords, we pay them and feed them, and to be abused by them. They aren’t voted for in their positions and they are not accountable to anyone, nor are they able to be fired…. What a gig huh?

    • Don’t you wish that Trump would come up with some policies to fight inflation, housing costs or inflation. All he does is whine about it. We need a smarter candidate that voters would respect. Trump is too old and not too bright. He needs to drop out.

      • You need to look at his stats as president. Low inflation, low unemployment, lowest for blacks and Hispanic people in 45 years, oil independence, gas under $2.00 highest increase in stock market in years. I could go on. What world are you living in?

        • Let’s forget that Trump’s original promises were all bullshit and lies. No healthcare plan, no balanced budget, no infrastructure money, no Mexico wall money, no eliminating the deficit, etc. Not only that, he added 8 TRILLION dollars to the debt instead. Foreign leaders laughed at him. Look at the NATO meeting on YouTube. He was an incompetent buffoon who know nothing about economics, foreign affairs, geography, history, technology, and turned out to be a lying corrupt traitorous POS wannabe dictator. What world are you living in?

          • Another of the lefts”useful idiot” spews his garbage . No intelligence!! Just repeats the lies and BS fed him .
            But Hillary did say ” Democrat voters are basically STUPID and easily manipulated!” She was talking about Juan!!

    • The stock markets have doubled since Trump was in office. We now have a surplus of oil, enough to export it. Gasoline prices are high because the US hasn’t built a new refinery in the last 47 years, and presidents cannot tell companies what they can charge for their products. Prices were low during Covid since demand was low. Now we have record travel and record sales. Economics 101. I’ve been waiting for Trump to tell us his policies to fight inflation and high housing costs. He has no idea. Have you heard any? We need someone smarter. He’s too old and showing signs of dementia. No way will he debate Harris.

  3. Didn’t look like they were having problems with the pitch of the roof in these photos. Just admit it you hired the wrong patsy to do the job, and loose ends were left open.

  4. How ridiculous is this conspiracy? So the Dems hired a Republican kid who was a poor shot to pick off Trump? That’s the dumbest thing I’ve heard this year, aside from Trump babbling about Hannibal Lechter, snakes, boats & sharks & batteries, etc.

  5. It was all INTENTIONAL. The Freaking Bumbling Idiots set Mr. Trump up.

    They killed the kid on the roof to SILENCE HIM.



    • Trump is taking away your right to vote. He admitted it. Flush that turd. A corrupt dictator is the last thing America needs.

    • So if god is in control of everything, HE told the kid to just pick off Trump’s ear so he could claim that HE saved Trump? LOL! Yeah, that’s as good as any other bible story.


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