She’s suing the FBI for ruining her life and she has RECEIPTS | Redacted News



Tara is lucky she got some help from lawyers and journalists to cover her story. Unlucky ones get FBI’d in secret and it never sees the light of day.

Yes I heard Tara’s story years ago and I felt her pain knowing how hard it was going to be to get Justice.


  1. We had a coup in 2020 and the leftist elite as they see themselves have taken over our government. They have grand dreams of utopia where they can legislate human nature, level the playing field for people that just want some dope and a monthly check with food stamps plus public housing. Abortion rights with the above will keep these useful idiots voting Democrat for life. They don’t seem to understand the working public pays for all these things. So when the workers pockets and the tax pot is empty these things will come to an end and the Liberal Democrats will say it was the conservatives that did it. At this time we will be converted to full socialist government and no one will have anything but the self proclaimed elite.
    It was easy for them to take over as they brainwashed the children starting back in the early sixties. It was called desegregation but it was bringing one group down to the level of the group that could not or would not be brought up to the standard of modern culture.
    By playing the race card they were able to social engineer us to this point by selling a line of lies to a group of uneducated young adults from the failed school system they setup. A Russian leader plainly stated in I believe 1962 they take America without the need to fire a single shot. For all intents and purposes it seems that they have succeeded. All we have in DC is bought and paid for politicians.

  2. We have seen first hand what the leftist democrats have done. We are given a chance come November 2024 to turn this horrible mess around, let’s stand united and fight for our rights and our country.


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