Stephen Gardner and Dr. Jay Bhattacharya discuss the covid lockdowns, the efficacy of masks now that actual science has been done. Dr. Fauci covered up his funding of the Wuhan lab in order to protect himself. This put 100 million Americans endanger. He lied about masks, the effect of the virus on kids and propped up Big Pharma to make hundreds of billions of lies and fear.


Calling Fauxci a real scientist is like calling The Professor from Gilligan’s Island a real Professor.

I was 82 years old and refused any of their immunizations and mask. I had lost my taste buds for 2 days, my temperature went up to 99 ° but I felt fine. People were telling me to go to the hospital but I refused. Now I am 83 and still in decent health. I trust God and holistic doctors.


  1. Dr. Fauci & his minions are frauds; & are not to be believed. Their response was designed to destroy this country; & assert their control over the American people. The real scientists were NOT in favor of the lockdowns; because they were following real science, rather than an ideology of fear, designed to allow Fauci & company, to control all of America. Now, the democratic machine will continue their fear tactics, in order to scare people into giving them what they want (total control). Research will prove me correct. Over the last century America has had a number of “epidemics”; but @ no time were the American people ever forcibly locked down. These frauds have blood on their hands; & they may get away with their evil, in this life; but GOD is the ultimate judge, & He know everything that goes on. There IS a final judgement coming.

  2. My doctor at the VA refused to get the covid shots and warned she would be fired if she didn’t. She recommended that i shouldn’t take them because they were not tested properly. She retired and I haven’t had any symptoms of covid at all. Do not trust the government they are not your friends.

  3. I really think this was specifically aimed at not only wrecking this country but also to foil Trump’s re-election and allow a corrupt fraud ridden system of voting to take place for this dummycrat/RINO scam pulled on the American people and the world. These dummycrats that were behind this scam will all burn in hell.

  4. fauci is a lying corrupt fraud. Why are young healthy people having heart problems ? because they were forced to get the covid shots, pfizer are just crooks who dont care how many they kill as long as they get their money .


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