Social Security Overpays Chicago Couple, Sends Them A RIDICULOUS Bill!



The government has really made things more difficult for its citizens, and we can’t sit back and bear all the consequences of the bad governance. It’s obvious we are headed for hyperinflation,it is always the poor who take the hit.

Shame on those old folks! That money is needed for illegals and foreign wars.


  1. Governments should not be allowed to physically handle money, they have a poor track record and absolutely no accountability. Letting the government dispense SSA payments of such gross error, simply states that no one is doing quality checks prior to the final step. Its like every govt agency, no oversite, no accountability, no corrective action. The USPS finally realized that their employees are incapable of sorting mail, and have contracted that function of the service. But, even delivering mail 7 days a week, they are still highly inefficient. This is because the govt have relaxed their minimum standards and allow a walking corps to deliver your mail. As voters and moreso as taxpayers we should be appalled that these people are being paid so handsomely and doing the job so poorly. Furthermore, there is absolutely no reason that federal/state/local government employees should be permitted to join unions. This just makes government employees more inefficient and ineffective. Govt pisses more money down the drain than they should be allowed to do. Its time to get control of the fed/state/local govt and restore govt sanity, if there ever is a concept of govt sanity. We all know there is no concept of govt fiscal responsibility.

  2. I have had my check penalized 3 times wanting OVERPAYMENT returned. I just received the 3rd time “For error in calculations” and want back overpayment of which we have NO Way of disputing their figures, so if we don’t payback they will draw from YOUR next check which they did. Now I may not be-able to pay all my bills.


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