Thats great a bottle of soda. He got what he deserved. It’s time these people stealing are stopped. I understand the police can’t be everywhere at the same time. So we are going to have to do this ourselves. Not all of the people want to shoot these people. But it depends on where this happened at. I really hope they leave this man alone. And put the criminal in jail where he belongs.instead of letting him go with no bail. I have a hard time believing they think no bail is going to help anything other than allowing them to repeat what they had just done. Anyway I believe this man deserves an award for what he did
And I hope he keeps it up
POS criminals! Get rid of them one way or the other! This is absurd these Fing politicians are clueless. They enable criminals and don’t even protect decent citizens!
Look at this new rapper, a nine year old by the name Lil RT, talking about using guns, raping women, and blowing the F bomb throughout the song yet YouTube thinks it’s ok. The punk can’t even read and his mother thinks it’s funny and promoting this trash!
Either get these people into rehab, insane asylums, CPS, and get these criminals off the street or the citizens will just have to take care of this ourselves! F the politicians for being uept and grossly incompetent! There’s my F bomb since that is what the garbage of society understands not intellectual conversation!
Get rid of the lettist gutter trash now! There is no place in this country for people like this! It’s not even moderate anymore! It’s only good versus evil!
Kudos to this employee for doing the right thing. I hope the liberal, local court leaves this hero alone. Actually he deserves a commendation…& a raise in pay. Always remember, what you feed grows stronger, & what you starve grows weaker. I hope I don’t have to explain how this applies to our liberal courts.
Thats great a bottle of soda. He got what he deserved. It’s time these people stealing are stopped. I understand the police can’t be everywhere at the same time. So we are going to have to do this ourselves. Not all of the people want to shoot these people. But it depends on where this happened at. I really hope they leave this man alone. And put the criminal in jail where he belongs.instead of letting him go with no bail. I have a hard time believing they think no bail is going to help anything other than allowing them to repeat what they had just done. Anyway I believe this man deserves an award for what he did
And I hope he keeps it up
POS criminals! Get rid of them one way or the other! This is absurd these Fing politicians are clueless. They enable criminals and don’t even protect decent citizens!
Look at this new rapper, a nine year old by the name Lil RT, talking about using guns, raping women, and blowing the F bomb throughout the song yet YouTube thinks it’s ok. The punk can’t even read and his mother thinks it’s funny and promoting this trash!
Either get these people into rehab, insane asylums, CPS, and get these criminals off the street or the citizens will just have to take care of this ourselves! F the politicians for being uept and grossly incompetent! There’s my F bomb since that is what the garbage of society understands not intellectual conversation!
Get rid of the lettist gutter trash now! There is no place in this country for people like this! It’s not even moderate anymore! It’s only good versus evil!
Now the wokers will demand that employee gets fired and then they’ll find some pile of shit woke ACLU lawyer to sue that employee.
Let me guess. A democratic state
Kudos to this employee for doing the right thing. I hope the liberal, local court leaves this hero alone. Actually he deserves a commendation…& a raise in pay. Always remember, what you feed grows stronger, & what you starve grows weaker. I hope I don’t have to explain how this applies to our liberal courts.