The California MILITIA Ready for CIVIL WAR!!!



To be a Democrat, one must first be a hypocrite. And hypocrisy is ALWAYS an indication of a liar, a lie, and/or a lie believed.

Patriot Counties in Commiefornia MUST join the numerous counties that are in the wave of secession.
Join Nevada, Join Arizona, and help save those 2 states from the democRATS.


  1. Does not make sense to me to be shooting at each other. To kill a snake one cuts off the head or so I am told…I never killed a snake but that makes sense to me.

  2. Congressional members were buying stocks and passing bills to increase the value of those stocks. This used to be considered illegal.

  3. The evil snake is hidenbiden, and his incompetent,band of minions,destroying america. The true american patriots are gathering,in enormous numbers, to stop this invasion on our borders ,and if need be, a tyrannical government, trying to destroy our middle class and poor.with inflation so high no one can afford stuff. Bideninflation is out of is gas,food,naything u buy has gone through the roof,thanks to hidenbiden.Hidenbiden has allowed millions of illegals in,to relace the african=american,hispanic,caucasion,poor in this country,and u want to vote for this corrupt, evil,wake up.u are all being used,like the sheep u are,kick the dumbocraps to the curb,or live on the plantation forever in poverty,thanks joe.bidonomics at work.

  4. We all know this administration is killing America…and destroying it more each day..the time has come to wake up…and vote not because you are a Democrat or Republican vote for what is right… Right now all Americans know we as the people are paying the price…not these crazy ass democrats…saying follow me everything is going good.. and let these democrats destroy America..there prosecuting a man for the same thing they did when they lost a election…the law is one sided do you think Hunter Biden is going to jail for what he did..not going to happen..the democrats have built internment camps…look it up…and wake up..before it’s to late..the democrats have to much invested to just let this go on a election…to many promises to much money has exchange under the table.. Ukraine keeps coming back every month for more money and getting it why because it’s called blackmail…wake up ….Vote against all democrats running in 2024…there are a lot…


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