20k people added to a town of 60k is absolutely wild. that isn’t sane at all, I’m actually flabbergasted
Dropping 20000 ppl in to some random random small town it’s literally a culture take over no matter what’s going on
Well, I have a solution for that but unfortunately, I cannot say it on here. Someone should take care Us and drop her off in that town and let them eat her instead of the animals. That is just freaking sickening and pathetic and morbid.
Was doing some work for a person from another Country and they had herbs we where talking about and i ask about a couple i have and what they used them for He said one was really great used on dogs made them yummmee I se them more for med myself
It’s a Red area and this Administration is making it BLUE. They know these people will not vote for the party that will deport them.
Haitians are starving in their home country and of course they will eat anything out there. This situation also happened when the Vietnamese came to California. They are known for eating dogs. The people need to run all of them out of town to the island of Clinton and Obama – Martha’s Vineyard.