The entire room was laughing at her…



What job qualification does AOC have for government???, OHHHH, AOC was bringing drinks to the democrat table, ask Nancy and Maxine

Overconfident overeducated women seem to be the most uninformed voting block in our country, yet we still listen to them like they have something new to add.


    • this situation is very similar to all these so called dumb ass judges who think they can rule the world but in most situations they just are dumbdumbs trying to make a name for themselves and at the same time ruining a good upstanding persons reputation . They just cannon stand the thought that Trump is smarter than the whole damn bunch of their dumb asses . They in most cases should be dis barred and kicked off the Bench and whatever they insinute about Trump he is still the ond person who should be the POTUSA

  1. A bar maid who thinks she knows everything and knows nothing! Where is the world and country we once knew? Let’s clear Washington and start all over. President Trump will do this again!

  2. She had a degree and now worked as a bar tender. She inferred her father was a small businessman and her mom had worked as a maid. Dad owned his own architectural firm and her grandmother had done some cleaning and never her mother. But she was young and reasonably attractive and men in suits stood all around her as she shrieked about getting rid of all fossil fuels . . . very shortly and later how was one to get to Hawaii?? Maybe that was Joe. In any case she was always ridiculous and they acted like. He was the wisest person ever to grace their halls! Do “they” realize what that says about themselves???

  3. The swamp is huge and getting bigger every year. Probably President Trump didn’t realize just how big it really is. AOC only her second term and she’s already a millionaire, what the hell has she done to become a millionaire? The liberal left’s concern is for themselves not for the sake of this country. Having this liberal thing spatting about her devotion to the party is hilarious, she actually thinks she’s being told the truth but she’s being used as a pawn and doesn’t know it. She and the rest of them should do some research but they won’t because they all like to follow like sheep. The liberal politicians do nothing but lie, cheat and steal, they don’t care about this country or the people of this country. They will take our money and take our rights helping Soros and others to form a one world socialist government with them being in power to control our lives.

    • They aren’t taking our money, people are willingly giving it to them by filing taxes. STOP FILING!!!GET YOUR W4 write in 99 dependents (yes that is legal) and they don’t get a bunch of tax money. Then just don’t file. You have basically screwed them Most people write down 0 dependents thinking by doing that they will get money back. All taxes are is an internet free loan to the govt, then they throw people a bone and give them a few Pennie’s on the dollar back. Word to the wise. If you plan on not filing make sure all of your assets, bank accounts, etc have yours and someone else’s name on them that way they can’t be seized. STOP BITCHING AND TAKE A FREAKIN STAND FOR CHRIST SAKE


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