The TRUTH about the Maui Fires EXPOSED?



We can send billions of dollars to Ukraine but we can’t help out Hawaii to put out a fire……
Come on people wake up!!!!!

Sorry for Maui’s loss. The early 2000’s when I was in Lahaina there were sugar cane farms across the highway that acted as a fire break for that town. In 2013 the government started shutting down those farms and letting them go back to pasture land. Since 2013 the those plots of land were left to return to basically nature state. The land was not even allowed to go back to cattle grazing either. So we have no farming allowed, no cattle grazing and nobody trimming the bushes and removing the dead fall for years. It was a fire waiting for a spark was all it was. So why did the local authorities not sound the Tsunami horns to get people to evacuate the area. That system can be heard all over town and if those horns go off you are supposed to listen for the announcements on the radio or TV. Somebody really dropped the ball here and an investigation needs to be held before the story is glossed over with bull crap. Climate Change is not a realistic answer for this fire. Government incompetence and meddling is more likely the cause.


  1. How can we have such incompetent, people running our government. State and federal,why don’t people fkg listen to common sense.So many of these fires, are completely, mismanagement,of land and forest,areas, with so much underbrush and fuel,to help these destructive fires.Alot of this is because of the radical,left, activists that that won’t let common sense,work.This fire is strange, just like in kailfornia where people died because of no escape,no warning, and these fires need to be looked at for cases of arson,sfp do stupid things,and don’t think about the disaster to happen.Unfornately many happen in dumbocrap run areas, who don’t give a crap about nobody.

  2. Thank you, and yes, right away, Hawaii Utility took credit for much of the fault with its failure to do maintenance and repairs and its use of old, clunky, out dated equipment. And, then there are the arsonists and DEW explanations for the sparking and intense heat (eg. Paradise, CA). This is all on purpose stuff. There’s a UN report where the UN stated it wanted the physical area for some UN project. Well, best to burn down the area so you don’t have to go to court with each homeowner on eminent domain.

  3. It is now coming out in the open! Oprah Winfrey bought at a low price over 1 thousand acres on Maui. Oprah had the same scenario on her property in Santa Barbara, and it now is a fact she is a Pedeofile in the Africa so called school. The Democrats have been pushing to get rid of the Native Hawaiians fromtheir property just like the Government did to the Native Americans throughout the entire country. The Maui Government had shut off their water to prevent the fire from spreading, and now the water supplies are contaminated with Jet Fuel. The Government refuses to allow the Navy ship to clean the contaminated water. The Democratic Government is the cause of these problems. That is the Democratic Party again. The Government refuses to allow the other island people to help, and trying to force the Maui natives to give up their land and properties! The American people need to wake up and realize the Democrats are doing to our country.


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