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The Truth Behind Homelessness

The Truth Behind Homelessness



Matt, I can testify being an ex-cop that this was exactly my observations of the homeless around my city – interestingly – they USUALLY had a place to go if things got really rough, but they were spending their money (usually a disability check or similar welfare) on drugs and alcohol, and they chose that and were kicked out of their wife’s place/parents place, etc. That’s a large reason they don’t accept shelters cause most shelters (until recently in places) still won’t let them do drugs and stay out past a curfew or something. In other words, it’s the following of rules they don’t like and then eventually they are on the streets

I am retired 32 years police officer from Baltimore. I cannot stress enough, how accurate Matt Walsh is. I cannot remember how many people I engaged that were completely, shockingly, homeless by choice! Many of these people have or had a healthy, working family somewhere. A family that were burned out from trying to “rescue” the homeless person from themselves! Whether it be parents, wives, husbands, siblings etc, all tried to help this person. They were on the streets by choice! Then so many instances where either they began drinking or doing drugs and simply lost everything. Then so many that were mentally ill. I don’t ever remember meeting a homeless person that just “appeared” one day homeless! They ALL have a back story and most CAMR FROM A HOME! FROM>>>A HOME!

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