These Guys Have Been Weaponized – Why 2,500 NYPD Cops Quit


Alarming Rate of NYPD Officers Leaving the Force: Over 2,500 Badges Turned In So Far in 2023.

The New York Police Department (NYPD) has been grappling with an alarming number of resignations and retirements over the past few years. With over 2,500 officers having turned in their badges so far this year alone, it has become increasingly concerning for law enforcement officials as they struggle to maintain stability within the ranks.

Valuetainment discusses this in the youtube video below:


I was a police officer in a Blue State for 16 years. I was given an opportunity to transfer to become a deputy to a Red State (LE friendly environment) in 2019 with my POST certification valid in this state. Best decision I’ve ever made for my career and my family.

My husband is a cop. He warned me that he would be less likely to shoot a person even if he thought he would die. He said I am providing for my family better by dying then going through a media trial and losing my job. They are leaving because of the lack of backing from their employers, community, and general society. They work every holiday, weekend, and family birthdays. But they get treated like crap. Perfection is the expectation and humans can’t be perfect.


  1. If we continue to blame the police for the criminal actions that we see incrasing at rising levels, hear or politicians wanting to disarm us, hear the lies being told to us as more and more illegals swarm our nation as invasion, I can only thing of one thing that is the crux of the problem, the current crop of inept and criminal political leaders. I cannot belive that even the left is supporting the few political leaders who are leading our nation down the corrupt and dangerous road. Remember these leaders put their panties or pants on the same way you do but they are raking in millions of dollars a year while the value of your dollar plummits every month and inflation eats you up. This is not the Nation our forfathers and our fathers fought for, this nation is an abortion of what it use to be. Criminals to cheat and lie to us everyday have taken over and providing a haven for their rich friens, Soros and his vast wealth is undermining our legal system with inept judges and DA’s, our military has been decimated and without it we are sitting ducks as we cannot fight a war if it is brought to us without trained soldiers. Generation X cannot even determine what sex they are and our leaders are supporting it. Our education system has turned into communist socialist transexual debotchery corrupting our very young and impressionable minds. What is wrong with this nation, we cannot continue to bow our heads to the less than 10% who squawk and have been given their way, the tail should not wag the dog. It is the other way around. How can a nude man take over and stop Its a small world ride at Disneyland? The man belongs in an Nut House along with half of Congress. Speaking of which how do we allow 4 women call the Squad spew their hate of another group from our nations Capital and think that is alright? They should be removed from Congress and expelled form the Hallowed halls Congress. Even our POTUS has been compromised and yet his cabinet, his wife, and Congress are NOT doing their jobs to remove a man who obviously can no longer do his job. Will he be able to function if we are attacked by the very people who have bought and paid for him? I highly doubt his pratriotism and williness to slap back twice as hard as the enemy slaps us. Are you as a Tax Payer happy with having to donate at least 1 to 2 paychecks to the illegals who are overwhelming our welfare systems and taking your jobs away from you or just having them sit while you pay for their food, housing, medical, education, transportation, heat, electricity, water, all on your dollar? Thank your democratic party for that and of course The Man on the Take Joe Biden wanting to use them to gain extra votes.
    We have a problem, a major problem and things need to change, fast and radical in some cases. Do you think anything will change if Biden stays in office. Highly doubtful as Obama’s plans are coming true to overwhelm the USA in debt it can never climb out of. We all know that Obama is really running the nation now and has even hinted at putting Michele in so he can run it for 8 more years. Can we survive 20 years of Obama in office selling out to every nation in the world. Why does America have to pay the majority of the bills? We shouldn’t have to. We won WWII over a tyrant from Germany, now we have one in the White House as a puppet of the devil himself. Stop the Merry Go Round of corruption, lies, fraud, and payouts, clean Career Congress People out, clean the House and Senate, Bring charges to those who have violate their oaths of office from the lowly to the mighty. Ask yourself not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.


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