These Queers Are Nuts!



Always wanted a daughter to dress up in pretty clothes and play’ Salon’. Didn’t get one, so she made one. That is one sick human being.

Remember when it was a parent’s job to guide their child through growth spurts and puberty, and to nurture their self esteem by assuring them that there was nothing wrong with their body? How did we go from that to calling a penis a birth defect?!


  1. I was raised on a ranch. Jeans, cowboy boots, and work boots were normal. I don’t think I owned a dress until I was in 3rd grade. We walked through a wooded area that we needed jeans to protect our skin. We had about 30 acres of blueberries and I was probably 3 when Mom was teaching me how to pick blueberries, black berries. I am still a person that’s going to wear jeans and boots. I am very much a female. I treat everyone with respect. I have over the years met several people who were gay or lesbians. That’s their choice, just don’t push the lifestyle on me or b you wii be out of my life. I am a very strong Christian and I don’t push my Christian lifestyle on gay- lesbians people, BUT a few have given their life to Jesus before they died. I don’t believe in abortion. Volunteered with a program for women who had been on drugs or alcohol or both. Most were on Welfare because they already had kids. Most don’t want to change their lifestyle, have a baby or pregnant before the last child goes to school. In between use abortion so they didn’t have a child that might have a vernal disease, HIV +, Aids, or didn’t know who father of child was. When I am trying to get a pregnant woman, just got off alcohol to go to school or do something besides have kids in foster care. She had 4 kids in foster care. Welfare was trying to get her set up in an apartment with the child’s father, he was in program for drugs. Everything the County social worker gave them was new, 3 bedroom apartment, furniture and court date to get kids back with her. One month before the court date, probation and Law Enforcement was checking on them. They found drugs and alcohol, she lost the opportunity to get her kids and the baby went into foster care. I didn’t see her for about a year. She came to have lunch and when she saw me, she started to cry and pulled me aside to show me the track marks she was using on her feet to take the heron. That was the last time I saw her. She was into prostitution. About 10 years ago and she is still in my prayers. She is probably dead. Prayers for the government to make people responsible and get help for them. We just had 11 kids they found passed out from drugs. Prayers.


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