They couldn’t believe this.



As a deplorable, I don’t care who votes for President Trump, just so long as they do. All are welcome on the Trump train.

The Democrat “Justice” system is a perfect example for increased scrutiny in the judiciary.


  1. Blunder Biden gave Russia oil independence started Ukraine war and took America’s oil independence away sold out strategic oil supply to our enemies communist China gave terrorists nation Iran billions in hostage trade so Israel would be attacked by Iran caused another war next China will start their war as well and Biden gave these terrorists trillions in Americas best weapons to Afghanistan terrorists which is beeing used against. Israel right now next blunder Biden will cause www 3 while vacationing at the beach

  2. First of all the US did not GIVE Russia oil independence, Kerry…THEY always had it !!!! This nonsense that Russia is the enemy is US and western disinformation…propaganda!!!! CRT is not a new thing…it was being used in US schools with great vigor post WWII that Russia was EVIL and going to bomb us and that Israel was the chosen land and the Jews the chosen people!!!! When I heard that Israel bombed the 850 hr old Christian Orthodox cathedral and Orthodox Jews were spitting on it’s destruction why no condemnation from the US or the west…had it been the other way around I am sure there would have been outrage and ANTI-SEMITISM would have been flashed on every television screen throughout the world just like the racist, xenophobic hatred for anything Russian!!! We are seeing calls for the destruction of HAMAS from the US while terrorist orgs like BLM and Mexican drug cartels are getting stronger day be day in the US and killing Americans!!! The US seems more concerned with Israeli deaths than it was on 9/11 when an unprovoked attack killed over 3,000 on our own soil!!! The US has many terrorists living in plain sight and does NOTHIN aka George Soros
    !!!!! You have a war mongering dictator lining his pockets with American taxpayers money to keep this conflict going and we keep giving more. This conflict could have been avoided if the US kep it’s promise to Russia and not have renegged on it’s word to expand NATO to it’s borders!!! Just because the US has allowed it’s borders to be breached others do not need to do the same!!!!

    • Agree with you 100% on Russia propaganda from the west. Not so much on your view of Israel me knowing the word of God as well as the fact that Putin is now an Orthodox Christian.


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