They’re Here



As an AMERICAN and a Christian I stand with you Ben and all of Israel

This is insane..never would have thought large groups of Americans are protesting for a terrorist group


  1. Would someone please tell the truth! Please read Genesis 15: 18-21, It was on that occasion that the Lord made a covenant with Abram, saying: “To your descendants I give this land, from the Wadi of Egypt to the Great River [Euphrates], the land of the Kenites, the Kenizzites, the Kadmonites, the Hittites, the Perizzites, the Rephaim, the Amorites, the Canaaites, the Girgashites, and the Jebusites. ”

    This Land Covenant is not to be broken. All this land belongs to Israel. All others are and have been for centuries, been unauthorized occupiers of Israeli land.

    We need to abide by God’s laws and not fictional evil desires of humans.

  2. If our government would read the Bible they would know it is a hate of the Jew that lasted for centuries and these Moslem countries have constantly said death to Israel and America u would think our government would believe this and stop giving American tax money to these terrorists and buying their oil and stop letting these people in America these Moslems should be kicked out of America it is as if Democrats want to be terrorized

  3. I was involved with my grandson having problems at school abouts 20 years ago. This was a small community. I went to the school to find out more. I ask the principal if I could sit in each class my grandson was in. No problem, the class was a mess, kids were going out of the classroom and talking to each other and not paying attention to what the teacher was trying to teach. My grandson couldn’t find his notebook, pencil, to write down the homework teacher put on the blackboard. Not one teacher had control of the students. It was a mess. I went back to talk to the first teacher and she was so happy I was their and hopes I would attend more classes, because the students were much better today. Prayers. I was glad my daughter moved back to another state because of her job. I started making him more responsible for every action. If he forgot his homework I didn’t take it to him at school. Made him help in the kitchen and laundry. He was a spoiled brat. Thanks to God he has a good job and more responsible. Prayers
    The students are not getting any education in public schools now. Government trying to shut down Christian schools. Newsom has made more laws against parents. Parents are moving to Red states that allow them to have control over their kids. I was in probation years ago. I found a family smoke marjoram about 6 PM, the kids were laying on the floor asleep. I gave the father an excuse of another appointment and I would stop back of not to late. I turned it over to DEA Sheriff Deputy and they arrested the parents and kids testing POS for drugs. This is still going on and nothing being done to help kids.


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