This is stunningly good news for Trump: Kilmeade



All you farmers and Mennonites in Ohio, Pennsylvania, Kentucky and New York have to support Donald J. Trump…. Do it for your kids.
Trump needs the Old World Amish too.

Trump 2024. May God bless him!


  1. I am sorry but as a Pastor, Trump isn’t a very good example of a Christian and you would know that if you knew the Bible, But you believe what you want, no one is Perfect but God and his Son Jesus Christ. You can’t serve two Master’s, and money is the root of all evil, and God is the only way, Trump is nothing more then a mere man with a big ego and arrogant, he is far from humble, I feel sorry for those who claim to be Christian but are nothing more the wolfs in sheeps clothing.

    • You never mentioned Biden, why as a Pastor you should know better, do you fight against evil or stand with it. Because right now Trump is fighting an evil that is going to change those who are American citizens in the worst way possible. I don’t care that Trump has an ego most men do and arrogance is not my concern either! What I am concerned about is the fact that Biden opened the door for Satan and invited him to destroy every good person that is a citizen of a once great Country. As a Pastor you need to understand that revelation could be right around the corner I have read the Bible almost 4 times straight through old to new testament and this is clearly what is happening with the evil democrats with Biden at the helm!

      • It looks like he stands with the Demonrats….and as a pastor that I would never attend he is intentionally siding with the Demonrats who are the larger of two evils at the least….and yes, Greeley I AM a Christian. AS far as a wolf in sheep’s clothing look in a mirror.

  2. Understood, but everyday life and living in this current world involves more than Church. We need leaders that keep the U.S. safe, strong, independent, and prosperous. Under Biden, the U.S. is deteriorating rapidly, look at all the big cities run by Democratic representatives under Biden….they are crapfests. Biden’s giving away the country for free….as long as he keeps getting votes. Look past Trump’s personality, it’s his leadership we need.

  3. God has said that President Trump is his David.He is a Christian .He has always been for this Nation trying to keep these evil leaders from tearing this Country apart.We need to stand up for good not evil.We need to pray to God to save us from these evil.Godless people.Start reading the bible and praying to God.The Devil hates that.


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