Diversity is another term of ‘dumbing down’. And once dumb always dumb.
Catholics have ‘god before country’ which really means ‘ VATICAN before the USA”. This is treason.
Have you ever heard of a successful CATHOLIC “C” nation?
Have you ever heard of a CATHOLIC “C” nation that was not corrupt?
Have you ever heard of a CATHOLIC “C” nation that had an infrastructure?
Colorado is a CATHOLIC “C” controlled state. So is FL CA NM AZ IL OR ND NY!
The CATHOLIC have run the USA for 75 years. Vote for ANY CATHOLIC
C and you vote for a traitor and destruction of the USA…
Al is a typical uneducated ignorant democrat cult member. They claim to be loving and Inclusive but spew their ignorance and hatred every chance they have!!
Al is proving just how uneducated he is by constantly posting his garbage about Catholic Church! He makes up lies as he goes.
Al is poster child for hatefilled uneducated lib cult
When you look at the communication between the tower and the two aircraft, it appears that the tower told the airliner to shift its approach to Runway 33 (presumably, they had been originally headed for Runway 1 – note, there are 3 runways at Reagan Int’l but those two are the main and most likely options). It appears that move would require the airliner to alter course toward the helicopter, even putting them into a crossing paths situation. The jet also appears to have been directed or cleared to drop to 350′ feet or so, while the helicopter would have been at 200′, the prescribed altitude for helos in that situation – 150′ is not a lot of separation, btw, esp. at night. Had the original heading (likely to Runway 1) been maintained, none of this might have mattered, but with the course alteration, it got dangerous in a hurry. That, I suspect, is why Trump suspects a screw-up (possibly due to an unqualified air traffic DEI hire – ya’ gotta remember, the FAA actually mandated increased hiring of people with “severe” intellectual or psychological deficiencies/problems). Frankly, that was my first suspicion listening to the tower’s instructions.
My brainwashed child just sent me a petition to sign protesting the firing of excess federal employees. Boo hoo, they’re not only employees, they’re also do nothing welfare recipients (i.e. social parasites) leeching off mine and yours overtaxed labor. Be gone DEI, I won’t sign or weep while the parasites seek another grift.
Let us present this scenario: A White Man named Elmer Fudd applies for Air Traffic Controller. A BLack Cat applies for the same job.
Who do you want in the tower?
A stuttering WHITE Man ? Or, A lisping slurping spitting cat that takes 5 seconds to get a word out? OR!
A person who can remain calm under pressure , untiring , acute attention to detail , enunciates extremely well , and gets the planes up and down without incident?
Diversity is another term of ‘dumbing down’. And once dumb always dumb.
Catholics have ‘god before country’ which really means ‘ VATICAN before the USA”. This is treason.
Have you ever heard of a successful CATHOLIC “C” nation?
Have you ever heard of a CATHOLIC “C” nation that was not corrupt?
Have you ever heard of a CATHOLIC “C” nation that had an infrastructure?
Colorado is a CATHOLIC “C” controlled state. So is FL CA NM AZ IL OR ND NY!
The CATHOLIC have run the USA for 75 years. Vote for ANY CATHOLIC
C and you vote for a traitor and destruction of the USA…
You are a scatalogical muslim TWITlbgtqwhatever. Drunk again I see
Al is a typical uneducated ignorant democrat cult member. They claim to be loving and Inclusive but spew their ignorance and hatred every chance they have!!
Al is proving just how uneducated he is by constantly posting his garbage about Catholic Church! He makes up lies as he goes.
Al is poster child for hatefilled uneducated lib cult
When you look at the communication between the tower and the two aircraft, it appears that the tower told the airliner to shift its approach to Runway 33 (presumably, they had been originally headed for Runway 1 – note, there are 3 runways at Reagan Int’l but those two are the main and most likely options). It appears that move would require the airliner to alter course toward the helicopter, even putting them into a crossing paths situation. The jet also appears to have been directed or cleared to drop to 350′ feet or so, while the helicopter would have been at 200′, the prescribed altitude for helos in that situation – 150′ is not a lot of separation, btw, esp. at night. Had the original heading (likely to Runway 1) been maintained, none of this might have mattered, but with the course alteration, it got dangerous in a hurry. That, I suspect, is why Trump suspects a screw-up (possibly due to an unqualified air traffic DEI hire – ya’ gotta remember, the FAA actually mandated increased hiring of people with “severe” intellectual or psychological deficiencies/problems). Frankly, that was my first suspicion listening to the tower’s instructions.
My brainwashed child just sent me a petition to sign protesting the firing of excess federal employees. Boo hoo, they’re not only employees, they’re also do nothing welfare recipients (i.e. social parasites) leeching off mine and yours overtaxed labor. Be gone DEI, I won’t sign or weep while the parasites seek another grift.
Let us present this scenario: A White Man named Elmer Fudd applies for Air Traffic Controller. A BLack Cat applies for the same job.
Who do you want in the tower?
A stuttering WHITE Man ? Or, A lisping slurping spitting cat that takes 5 seconds to get a word out? OR!
A person who can remain calm under pressure , untiring , acute attention to detail , enunciates extremely well , and gets the planes up and down without incident?
DEI is brain child of Democrat party .
And yet Democrats won’t admit it is failure. And they get mad when DEI PROVES TO BE REASON