This powerful moment will leave you speechless.



These parents deserve much better from our president and our country.

He called Biden an asshole, and more truthful words were never spoken.


  1. The radical,liberal,progressive,socialist,marxist,commie,dumbocraps are the destroyers of our country.If u vote for these idiots u deserve eveything u get,a lawless banana republic,run by a mentally unfit,sick,demented,corrupt,incompetent,pretending president.

    • I certainly hope & pray that everyone is paying attention to all of this now.Many Americans have been asleep, delusional, brainwashed, tricked, dumbed down, trusting, blinded & on & on. Well I think it’s fair to say that the Democrats have & will always be a source of evil & destructive policies. America seriously needs to disband this cabal & with Gods blessings, we will get it done. Please stand up & take action against this evil because it will totally consume any & everything good, it’s not too late.

  2. I would have thought Tammy Duckworth, Senator from Illinois and disabled veteran, would have led the investigation. Many letters to her office over the past two years have gone unanswered. If this Democratic politician is doing nothing, none will. For them, it’s Power over the People.

  3. biden and all his traitorous fallowers should be imediately arrested and charged for treason and then hung in the rose garden as the law calls for hanging traitors in this country.why nare the inmates running the assylum

  4. Stupid old senile poopypants Joe will NEVER man up because he’s a pussy. He shoots his stupid mouth off acting like his big and tough hiding behind the secret service body guards. Even they know pussy Joe couldn’t fight his way out of a wet paper bag. This country is on the verge of a shooting civil war and if that happens, old poopypants will be crapping his pants out of fear because if he’s caught he’ll be shot and his body, along with Jill’s, will be hung upside down in the middle of town. See the picture of Mussolini and his mistress hanging upside down after he was killed by his own countrymen. That’s poopypants Joe’s future.


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