Blank pardons should be illegal. The crimes should be stated in order to get the pardon publicly.
Justice for Trump! & Justice for America!!! End corruption Now!!
Blank pardons should be illegal. The crimes should be stated in order to get the pardon publicly.
Justice for Trump! & Justice for America!!! End corruption Now!!
Those 2.
Look like a couple of gangsters.
Both of these guys should be put away….Swalwell spends 100’s of
thousands of tax payors $$ on luxury things, just research his
spending habits…he is in this for the payoffs. No busness in congress
he is part of the problem. Mr. High & mighty…vote him out!! Worst of the worst …now wants a pardon from bird brain Biden.
Schiff thinks he is king kong! He has no business in congress unless its
being a janitor!! No snake is more crooked then he is. The likes of him
is one of the best reasons for term limits…who keeps voting for this
misfit? Now both are getting in line for crooked Biden to get a pardon?
Biden is giving out these things to keep the corrupt on the streets
instead of being in jail or kicked to the curb…disgusting to say the least
And Biden, hit the road jack and dont cha come back no more no more.