As a long time teacher, I can affirm that no 12 year old knows what he/she wants from life.
Show of hands: How many are beyond sick of this “trans” BS?
As a long time teacher, I can affirm that no 12 year old knows what he/she wants from life.
Show of hands: How many are beyond sick of this “trans” BS?
“TRANS?” , just what does that mean? Do the “TRANS” actually know? After watching two different groups of people “voice” their opinions on subjects such as [1] Is it okay if a 12 year old wants to get a tattoo ? answer was No , it is “too permanent.” They can’t understand that is is there forever. Yet, these same people state that “It is okay if the 12 year old wants to “transition” , because they “know” who they are. REALLY!?!?
Next segment. A “trans woman on “TIK TOK” states ” I want to F….ing want to kill ALL nonTrans people. I want to eat them , and take a spoon and eat their brains , an I want them to ALL DIE”. Yet , he/she/whatever laments that they “have a right to exist without harm being done to them.” REALLY ??? You , sir/ma’am/whatever , throw down the gauntlet and you deman YOUR RIGHT to be “safe”?? I hereby declare “all lbgtqtrannywhatever , to be LEGALLY INSANE . If you wish war, then get it on.