Trump Assassin TRAINED With Federal Agents At GUN RANGE!? Mysterious Visits To DC, This Is INSANE



That bullet was centimeters away from starting a civil war. Americans are fed up.

She should of not been allowed to resign…She should have been fired…Now she can receive all her retirement benefits from the government…She should get nothing…


  1. It’s insane that anyone would believe these crazy conspiracies. FOX got fined almost a billion for their lies. How is this allowed? Fact-checking is not considered before printing?

  2. What a worthless piece of crap the Patriots Brief is – a bunch of deranged nit wits writing all this fictious garbage. Get a life you unsuccessful bums!!!

  3. So what it seems like to me, is that the Secret Service is not allowed to shoot on people that want to kill Trump!
    No matter what is said, that is the action that was taken. Because the shooter was not stopped until Trump was down.

  4. Is this a Russian or Iranian blog site? More hilarious than the Onion the shit you come up with. Don’t forget to include aliens in your stories

  5. The dems have a playbook for assonating whoever does not fit their mold. Think JFK; Oswald was in the SBD lunch room with 30 other employees, when the deed went down. The 30 people were just like the witnesses on the street, they died. Oswald was the, “Patsy”, but they has the queer shoot Oswald at the police station, because he was very upset.(poor fella). The cop who, “found the gun”, was killed the next day. Everyone outside told about shooters in 3 areas, plus a Secret Service asshole who also accidentally shot JFK, from the in front of JFK’s, limo. The Supreme Court, all Dems, said it was Oswald, lying, was part of the coverup, all bastards. Crooks was the “Patsy” for Trump. They had pig blood on the roof, showing that the sharpshooter did his job. Only thing is, a shot to the brain does no bleed very much, and the blood color is pink. Movie gowers see a lot of blood when the bad guy gets shot in the head. That is not how it works. The FBI went up on the roof, and hosed down the pig blood, and Crooks was shot from behind, because his front teeth were pushed outward from his mouth So there was the shot from the open window, near Crooks, another on the water tower, and one with a red shirt and long hair, (wig), was across the highway. Crooks was shot before the action was started. They won’t tell the truth, holding back information, and acting so sorrowful about everything. All an act, and whoever spills the beans will die in an accident. No body in the government can be trusted, and Biden laid the idea that Trump should have been in the crosshairs. Trump better watch his ass, and head. They don’t aim for the forehead, they want the bullet to go in the skull, on either side, above the ear. Some people have survived because of the normal space running down the center of the brain. During the 3 days of darkness, Satan, and his Minions will take every evil democrat, to Hell, they will also take communist, and socialist, or anyone who takes our God given rights away from us. The only democrat who ever went to Heaven was JFK, all the rest are in the Lake of Fire. If you ever see anything like this, never tell them what you heard, or what you saw, your name or where you live. Get out of there ASAP. If somehow they see you, act retarded, and slobber a lot, tell them you had fallen asleep, and get a bus ticket, and go far away. Play with your hair, and pick your nose a lot. You could act like there was someone who you got seperated, and are lost.


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