Vote for Donald J Trump for President of the United States of America


  1. That RINO ought to be placed in Guantanamo Prison for for the rest of her life. All these people who get elected as Republicans, then vote with the democrats, is not a Republican. there should be rules set up to withdraw their claim that they will be conservative, and removed from the Congress, or Senate. She worked to place innocent people in jail for the Jan 6th theasco. I realize the those who are voting for an overall improvement in a joint decision does not need to be applied to the rule that they are a RINO. She should be tried as a traitor.

  2. Liz Cheney is an apple that didn’t fall far from the tree. She replaced her feckless Halliburton father, Dick Cheney, on the world stage dominated by the handful of elitists who control 95% of the global economy. She’s one of them. Those people love to be in political positions giving them power to affect change and blame it on the people who elected them.

    Their ultimate goal is not money. They control all of that already. Their goal is power over men. They are the ranchers and we are the cattle designed to serve them. There was a huge unexpected wild card thrown into the mix in 2016. Donald John Trump one of the most unusual presidents ever, who marched to his own drummer. Is he perfect, hell no! Is any politician, however?

    He upset their apple cart and tossed the apples into the Maelstrom. He is the antithesis of their oligarchy. He is not a tyrant wannabe. That’s plainly visible. They cannot allow him to exist because he is one of the few men who has the ability, and knowledge to destroy them.
    They are small sculking rats who are mediocrities. They have power over us only because of our blindness and philosophical ignorance. So, they unleashed all the dogs to destroy his presidency. You all remember. You may hate him but you know damn well it was all a load of BS.

    That’s why Liz Cheney participated. She is not for the common Man, she is for the elitists and is one of them. That is sufficient cause to accuse her of treason. She took an oath to the Constitution and promptly abandoned it to feather her own nest and bow before the altar of those who she served, the globalists. That’s where her father resides, in the church of supreme arrogance with the rest of the elitists.

    Donald Trump is exactly right accusing her of treason and if somehow, some one actually presents accurate history, he will be vindicated in spades.

  3. The J6 committee was another sham – just the fact that they conveniently “lost” or “destroyed” the alleged “proof” should tell everyone this was another orchestrated, predetermined sham and waste of time and taxpayer dollars to gaslight citizens against a political rival…..they should be investigated but there are probably bigger, more serious issues to address first.

  4. The J6 committee was not a sham. I happened to be watching on Fox news that day when the riot was instigated(look up the word instigated). I have been to D C many times and always amazed by the beautiful buildings and the clean and orderly streets so I took personal affront to the absurd attack on our capital. Donald Trump is a N U T case.

    • American is constitutional republic,
      it’s not a democracy, democracies lead to tyranny, and that’s what you’re seeing today, the clash of Americans who are traitors to the
      U.S. Constitution.🇺🇸

    • What you saw was a government psy-ops. There was no violence until 200+ gov agents (according to Rep Clay Higgins & Captain Sund of Capitol Police) incited a crowd. Capitol Police shot protestors with rubber bullets & gassed them making them fight back once they couldn’t breathe. Pelosi refusing National Guard, signage removed so protestors did not know they were trespassing, doors opened from inside the Capitol to let them in & FBI agents dressed as Trump supporters does not sound innocent to me. All planned by DC. democrats to take out Trump & his supporters.

  5. She’s a Rino and needs to help accountable. She sarcastically sat on the panel for one reason only and that was to spew lies about j6. Indicate her and imprison her.


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