Trump Gets a MASSIVE Victory!!!



Do Democrats ever get tired of being wrong?

I cannot wait to vote for Trump for the third time.
I sure hope it gets counted this time.


  1. There needs to be a massive suit against these DA’s when this BS is over. The taxpayers and Donald Trump need to be able to recover damage for their expenses wasted by these Democrat clowns. In addition, the money needs to come from their personal wealth to the extent possible and then from the state treasuries of NY, DC and Georgia so that they think twice before letting rabid political clowns like these to waste taxpayer money pursuing their political games.

  2. these Trump haters need to realize this is not a video game Trump will go to jail over their dead bodies enough already so far Joe has let 2.3 million illegals into this Country in just one year he is doing so by calling then refugees seeking asylum they have already been granted asylum by Mexico seeking asylum from asylum is ridicules Joe has doubled our nations -budget from one trillion to two trillion in one year this I can blame Congress on they gave Joe a blank check

  3. Amen to

    🥰CHRISTrump 2024 US Election with His/his overwhelmingly successful Trumplican Lawmakers
    Amen & Amen🥰

  4. The problem is forty percent of the republicans in office are actually democrats because the republicans have been too lazy to vote The rhinos out for the last 40 years. And they can’t even get enough American patriots conservatives to vote for a speaker of the house so if they do not put Jim Jordan in there. I will be changing parties and voting straight Democrat for everything, right or wrong.

  5. Biden & his liberal/far left ideologues are ruining this country. The rinos are helping them, & should be removed from the republican party; because they are really closet democrats. The courts & the alphabet government are weaponized to do the bidding of their corrupt overlords, in the deep state swamp. We all need to humble ourselves & ask God to heal our land; because at this point we really need Divine assistance. The real republicans need to wake up & get their acts together. the citizens of America also need to wake up, & educate themselves about the issues, & where their elected officials stand on those issues.


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