Trump Puts Biden’s Presidency At Risk With ONE Bombshell Statement



My POTUS (the man) is absolutely correct in his statement about uncle Joe!

We need President Trump ASAP!!!!!!


  1. The US should take that $6,000,000,000.00 out of stupid old senile poopypants Joe’s personal wealth. He has the money so he can afford it.

  2. I don’t want Biden in the White House anymore! As an American citizen I have right to want him out!!! I don’t want him to finish his Presidency 😔. This Country is in such bad shape now what shape do you think it’s going to be at the end of 2024?

  3. Bend over Biden has always been incompetent Democrats has always hated Israel when Israel declared their independence president trumin only recognize Israel independence because trumin best friend ask him to and he was a jew and the democrat party got mad at trumin for doing it now u see why Biden gave that money to Iran because Democrats are anti Israel they only fall in line because Jews are part of their party and Americans supports them I know they stole the election but enough Americans had to vote for brainless biden for him to steal it and remember obama is in control of brainless biden

  4. Kerry,

    More names were stolen from people that were never taken off the voter lists and used to vote by Dem crooks. That election was stolen

  5. Biden Needs to Be Forced to Resign and Step down Now He has lost his mental faculties and UNFIT Under the 25 amendment of the constitution of the United States of America 🇺🇲 His Weakness & incompetents& mental health issues and Criminal Actions & Corruption against America is Enough Already, America First 🇺🇲
    Close All American Borders and Finish The WALLS and Stop All Entry Of All ILLEGAL Immigrants invading America Now.
    Protect Secure Our Country’America! Biden Refused To Do What Is Best For America 🇺🇲 OR His Job.Rather Spend Hard Working Americans Tax payers money and Fund Ukraine’s War or Give 6Billion dollars to IRAN than To Help America!
    Obviously, Biden Needs To
    Be Forced To resign and STEP Down Now Just like Richard Nixon was forced to resign and STEP Down many years ago because of his mental health issues. Biden Needs To Go . NOW,ASAP

  6. If I people voted for brainless biden he would not of been able to steal it abama stole the election as well I could never find anyone who would tell u they voted for him we have had a currupt election for years my dad would not vote because he thought like many Americans it was rigged but I told him voting was his right and if every American voted that the election process would be so overwhelmed it would show the curruption


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