Trump SURGES to RECORD HIGH Polls as Kamala FRAUD Exposed!!!


Gutfeld!’ panelists discuss what President Biden’s been up to since he dropped out of the 2024 race. #foxnews #fox #gutfeld


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This woman is useless. Her lies and laughter is not getting her anywhere.


  1. I seem to remember one Kamala Harris stating the Donald Trump was afraid to face her in a debate, yet when Donald Trump challenges her to a debate on the 4th of September in Pennsylvania she runs a hides. Not someone that I would want for President.

    • Trump can’t answer questions. He can’t even finish a sentence without getting off topic, lying, bragging, or babbling nonsensical things about snakes or sharks or Hannibal Lechter. He’s an embarrassment to America.
      Secondly, why doesn’t this site check facts. Every poll (including FOX) shows Trump trailing Harris by a couple of points.

    • That’s true. Trump is a couple points behind Kamala in almost every poll, but this site tries to brainwash the Maga-morons with fake information. They aren’t known for doing fact-checks.

  2. Kamel-la is fresh, well at least according to Juan Valdez, actually just dead fish that needs to be thrown on the trash pile.
    And polls are just a way to spew propaganda, don’t listen to the polls, it is all BS.

    • Thirty-eight nations, including the United States, ban convicted felons outright from entering their countries. Trump is not even allowed to vote in Florida. .Why would anyone want this old senile corrupt POS to represent America? Trump has always been a total loser. He’s an embarrassment to this country.

  3. As much as every comment here is bashing Trump, is Cackling Kamala a better alternative? Look at what’s happened to this country in the last 3 and a half years of the Biden/Harris administration. If she is elected(?), we are going to get 4 more years of the sh*t we’re already dealing with only worse. She and Twisted Tim are so far out of left of sanity, they plan to turn this country into a socialist country bordering on communist. Its already started and democrats plan on keeping it that way. Control everyone and take away what’s left of any freedoms we have. As much as you all have TDS, Trump ran this country in a way where we actually prospered in multiple ways. I know I did. Many tend to forget how good we had it and Trump is just trying to get us back to the good times. I’ll take the “mean tweets” of a “convicted felon” [what a joke] over TWO far left radical Marxists ANY DAY of the week. I just know none of you will agree but, unfortunately, there is no cure for what ails you. By the way, I’m an INDEPENDENT and do a LOT of reading and research so save your condescending vitriol for someone else. At least for now, until the democrats take it away, I AM entitled to my own opinion.


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