Trump to Deport 500,000 NYC Migrants… On Day One



Deny all asylum claims that didn’t come through a port of entry. And there’s no way you can convince me that millions of people are asylum seekers. The vast majority are economic migrants.

Imagine that you are in someone’s country illegally and then saying you’re not gonna leave. The nerve of these people.


  1. these people were paid to be here, they are not economic migrants or asylum seekers. the demoRats had an office in panama telling them exactly what to do the whole thing was planed but as usual there were unintended consequences ie: bussing them to the sanctuary cities! it seems they wanted to give sanctuary until it directly effected them!
    one can only hope that within the 500k is aoc, they may need a bartender

  2. They know their illegals.And they also know they will have to leave! Some will leave on their own to keep the pride of saying that they left on their own terms.

  3. They’re making it easy. Just round up everyone involved in each protest, weed out the actual citizens, and deport the rest. They obviously have no jobs and only cause trouble.

  4. Cut off all federal funds to cities who don’t cooperate. And I mean ALL FEDERAL FUNDS. Watch how quickly they get with the program. If an American citizen illegally entered a foreign country, I doubt that country would be funding us to stay. We would be jailed or deported immediately. No food stamps, no free housing, no free heath care. If citizens in sanctuary cities protest and complain about following our laws, deport them as well. I would remove the illegals in red states first. Let the sanctuary states deal with the illegals on their own dime. Once all of the Covid money dries up, they’ll be crying for help.

  5. They need to fix their homelands and stop ruining America. We’re a blueprint on how to be a free prosperous country, not baby sitters with unlimited handouts for people who want free sh*t.

  6. Any sanctuary Cities/States must not receive ANY federal funding nor the countries that the illegals came from. Stop the waste of Tax $, complete the wall, and let Tom Homan do his job!


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