Tucker Carlson: Something big is about to happen!!



I disagree Tucker the people behind all of this know exactly what they’re doing , and it has been decades in the planning .

When insanity is so easily accepted as truth and people unflaggingly follow along with the madness, it’s apparent that conventional wisdom isn’t conventional at all.


  1. I all ready knew this it is why I voted for TRUMP three times I actually do research before i vote i knew Biden would do this it is Americans need to get out of facebook twitter and live in the real world and do research all this information is on the Internet research and stop being stupid nothing is free everything comes at a price and u got to decide if ur willing to live with the consequences

  2. He is 100% correct that’s exactly what is happening and it will get worse. The Big Heads in power are in control, we the people have no say, they made laws to protect themselves from any wrong doing. We the people did not vote these people in office legally. Stop blaming the people they do not listen to us anymore, they got power and will/are abusing it. The Navy is flying the American flag upside down for the reason it was to signal We Are in Distress our control is under seize.

  3. Democrats have wanted a totalitarian (“one-party rule”) socialist dystopia for TWO CENTURIES, since they ditched God, Heaven, the Bible. They see their utopian socialism as the heir to the non-existent Heaven. This would require the wisdom of an omniscient God, which no longer exists. As the successor to God, Democrats see… THEMSELVES. (See the 1850 book, THE LAW). The Marxist socialists pulling Biden’s puppet strings are now closer to their goal than ever, and will do ANYTHING to succeed: lie, cheat, murder. Don’t underestimate them!


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