Tucker Carlson SPEECHLESS As He Discovers Obama’s Dirty Secret



I am 65 years old and I can honestly say that ……obama is the worst thing that has ever happened to America

He was not born here..he NEVER should have been president !


  1. That’s because Democrats don’t have any people to lead our Country corruption and Lies and Hateful Violence is a way of life for Democrats they could care less about the American people they only care about the American Taxes Dollars that they waste on Woke agenda’s.

  2. Barrack Hussein obama was the perfect ‘Manchurian Candidate’. He was the creation of George Soros to lead the way for the Soros plan of ‘destroying America from within’. He was carefully groomed, financed and positioned in various political positions to give some semblance of authenticity for his future role as POTUS. His background was carefully expunged and created (including his SSN, college records, etc.) so that his real identity would be hard to verify. His race was also used as a factor so that he would be immune from questioning — Racism, you know. Soros’ money and influence in the media and the DNC solidified the protective coverage needed to get by critics’ doubts. 2008 was the year that Soros decided to play the ‘obama card’ in the POTUS race. Hillary had been the presumptive ‘chosen one’ by the DNC because ‘it was her turn’. Suddenly, out of no where, some young ‘black’ guy showed up that no one could pronounce his last name. Hillary went silent. No comments from any other Democrats, either. Instantly, obama was the best thing to come along since sliced bread. Every big media outlet and Democrats alike sang his praises! He was ‘the change America needed’. 94% of American blacks voted for him because he looked like them. A large percentage of whites also took the bait and obama won two terms as POTUS. That was the opportunity Soros needed to embed his minions into every federal agency and bureau in order to further his goals of dominating the American political and legal system. They later became known as ‘The Deep State’. They are still there. They are the ones who sabotaged Trump during his first term and went full speed under FJB after the rigged 2020 election. These Soros trolls need to be hunted down and exorcised from the Federal government if America is to regain her greatness. Soros and obama are still calling the shots to destroy America. They all need to go.


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