Tucker PREDICTS Election INSANITY!!!


Tucker Carlson Issues Bleak Warning for 2024, Predicts ‘Divisive’ Election Unprecedented in American History.

Former Fox News host and conservative commentator, Tucker Carlson, has issued a stark warning about the upcoming 2024 US presidential election, predicting that it will be “like nothing we’ve ever seen” in terms of division and polarization. As the United States gears up for another tumultuous political showdown, his ominous statement highlights growing concerns over the potential consequences this election could have on American society.

Dr. Steve Turley discusses this in the video below:


We need to pray all truth comes out public to everyone…force their eyes open. Fill them with the fear of God.



  1. the fact that Biden is still the DEMNS go to Candidate means the fix is in Biden will be reelected and Harris will be your President for at least 2 of the 4 years and you can take that to the bank

  2. One of the major things the Republicans need to do is expose all the illgal, unethical, and stupid stuff (althought they have plenty too) that that the Democrats have done since the Bush’s were in office, that would be from the Start of Obama’s time period. One of the most corrupt and against America things he did was give ammunity and a home to alliens who did not belong here. HRC caused the war in the Mideast and Obama rewarded her with the SOS job, and between them they killed off hundreds of people in illegal arms trading, killed an Ambasador by abandoning him and marines to terrorists. We all know that Hillary is as crooked as a sidewinder snake and twice as deadly. Trump had problems but most of it was based off false information by Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats. If Trump goes to jail, I want to see Hillary, Nancy, Schiff, and Schumer in the cells right next to him.

    • It doesn’t matter what the Democrats have done or are currently doing, who has commited treason, rape, fondles little children, at 80+ years old want to fight people physically, that he cannot just read anything, cannot concentrate, spends half his time on vacation, puts out executive orders contrary to the benefit of the USA, has evidence against him of graft and corruption to include with our enemies, has stolen senstive to classified informaiton when not authorized to have it, accepts bribes and actually demands them for influence peddling, stole another mans wife after he lied about his his first wife died, lies about his sons drug induced discharge from the Military, ignores a biological granddaughter, with the sweep of a pen he could release the J6 prisoner who were put in jail on false charges, supports the J6 False Flag event which is more and more apparent as time goes on with more video showing up (but don’t believe you lying eyes.) He insults our allies, and supports our enemies, can’t even walk up or down a flight of stairs into AF1 even though they modified them for him without falling on is butt. Why is he even in office? Oh ya, the 2020 election which was the most honest (?) election in American History, but more and more is coming out to refute that. During his term we have had record inflation, the dollar is becoming worthless which is killing low income and retired folks forcing many of them back into the Work force in their golden years, is vilolating his Oath of Office to defend and protect the USA from foreign invaders as they continue to cross our southern border at the rate of 2500 (est) a day. Who’s paying their bills with nearly 200,000 illegals in the USA now which include real refugees to chinese military age men and terrorists from the Middle East. When is the next 9-11 event going to take place? Will it be biological with all the Chinese Bio-Labs being set up in the US while the corrupted DOJ and FBI continue to hound J6 people and events, trump up more charges with corrupted DA’s across our nation and let criminals run free to repeat? What has he done to stop or slow crime, absolutely nothing, but he did arm the IRS to come and bust into your home at night and arrest you after some pencil pusher found and error on your Income Tax Return. That special car/truck you are currently paying off, wel that will be confisgated and you will be forced to puchase an over priced EV that will be worthless once the Batteries go kaput which up north happens a lot in the winter with ice an salt on the roads. What happens they explode into fire unexpectely. Why the push on EV’s, becasue the materials are located in China, his buddy! Ukraine, that is a good one, from his instance on firing the very person who was investigating Bermisa or they would not get aid. We give aid to all nations of the world (trying to bribe and control them) except, I think it was 3 or 4, in some form other anther. Who is paying for that program, the US Tax Payers! Our national debt has sky rocketed to twice what it was when he entered office. Our SS is under attack and they say it will be out of money, hummmm, my money gone? Why? Under the Democrats they took a very solvent SS fund and moved it to the General Fund so they could spend it and spend it they did. Now they want to open up SS to the illegal immigrants who are already being given Lodging, travel, food, medical, education, and subsistance just for illegally crossing our borders. Why? Mean while we are ejecting veterans and others from places they lived in order to house more illegals? So, don’t look for SS when you arrive at that time in your life, as it will be gone and given to Illegals. Congress has not been doing its job and has colluded with this POTUS to destroy the USA according to the hate USA mongerning of our Democratic Leadership who feel exempt from the rules, regulations, and laws as set down in the Constitution, Bill of Rights, and even the Magna Carta.
      At this point I am not sure the Good Ship USA can be saved. Throughout history most nations of power become decadent and divide into classes, then collape not from being attacked from the outside but from within due to decadence and entitlement.

  3. 2020 was election insanity. But what’s worse is that the RINOs let the dummycrats get away with the election theft. If the dummycrats and RINOs thought Jan.6 was bad, wait until they end up with a full fledged shooting civil war on their hands. And don’t be thinking the illusion that the whole US Military is going to support the Marxist dummycrat government. When the first Civil War broke out, many soldiers and sailors left the Union military and joined the Confederate military. This is why the Confederacy won so many battles the first 2 years of the war. They had the better generals.

  4. The next civil war that you feel will happen will not be a stand up face your enemy type of war. It will be more of a gorilla war in which specific people will be targeted, be they political, influential, wealthy, or just corrupt. It is very few who have collaborated to create the problems we see today and are upsetting the apple carts for profit. People that support and force programs on us that are counter productive to the welfare of the general public will be on the chopping block first. The wealthy will not be exempt from the carnage that will occur. Why do you think the strong push to take your guns and ammo is being forced today, it was the Constitution’s way of keeping those people who created bad governemnt from making us slaves all over again. Just some thoughts and not a call to order or against anyone.


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