US SURGES Troops To Israel, 19,000 Personnel DEPLOYED, War Is Coming



Just what America needs right now, to get involved in some other countries problems that they’ve been fighting about for 100 years. God bless our soldiers and America

I applaud Joe’s bravery in risking his life and think he should do some tunnel clearing to further prove his manliness.


  1. No applauds for for Bidens “bravery”….he caused all this. He caused our US soldiers to now be in danger from Hamas by showing their faces clearly on TV. THAT is NOT the kind of man we want in charge of our Country.

    • Right on target. He needs to get into another war to save his Presidency and hope to stay in office as second term, where he will more than likely die from old age and demensia. The Globalists, or NWO, are pulling his strings and want another war to trim the population down as its easier to control, feed, and govern being smaller. The lack of population movement control is only to disrupt harmony and peace in civilized nations by inserting uncivilized members of nations that have never had peace due to their religeous beliefs. Now we have major problems all around the world which will lead to WWIII. My humble opinion is that this all started when the Globalists put the half white, half black Barrack Obama in office as the POTUSeven though he was a known cheat, liar, cheat, Muslim, and now we know has Gay tendencies. His real birthplace is still in question in that is offered Birth Certificate shows he was born in a Hospital that didn’t yet exist when he was “born in Hawaii.” Go figure. So what is the layman to believe? What is know is that he is the first POTUS not to leave Washington DC after his term as others have done prior to him in order to not influence problems with the following POTUS. Now the rumor is Obama is really running the White House, which all indications seem to bear in mind, with hopes that Michele will run at POTUS next. We thought the Bushs were a dynasty, geesh. Biden is a nothing burger and even as Obama has been quoted as saying, “Joe can f–k up anything”, and he has done it.

    • You are right. Trump helped Israel, under Trump this attack wouldn’t have happened. We need our Military on our borders. China has been able to buy farms close to our Military bases in USA. CHINA has AL following every move that American citizen for Trump make. CA has gone down hill as a liberal state under Newsom and Pelosi for years. Prayers for our Country are the Christian citizens of the USA. Trump 2024. 2020 worst ballot fraud I hav experienced. But Obama got in Illegally. Ohio had more votes for Obama than registered voters. No one did anything about it. Fuckerberg paid for Chinese ballot and counting machines that could be programed from a foreign country. Soros, wonder how long he has been working with Obama and Biden? Interesting. Prayers

  2. Joe is not well his bad decisions will only get worse that’s a given but he will be reelected that’s also a given we the people refuse to get a spine and stand up to Joe our Congress our Senate we the people will get what we deserve a dictator

  3. Send him down that rabbit hole. (The tunnels) It would be the best use of him. He keeps returning to Ukraine to get $$$$$ as it can’t be deliverer to shell COMPANYS. Goes after each aid payment

  4. The problem is not whether or not we should help Israel. I’m for helping Israel but we have a stupid old senile poopypants incompetent dummycrat as president. 1965 the first ground troops arrived in Viet Nam to “help” South Viet Nam against the communist VC and NVA. Soon, more ground troops were arriving in Viet Nam to “help” South Viet Nam. Just one problem. Dummycrat LBJ wouldn’t the US Military win the war. So, after 500,000 US military personnel later we end up in a dummycrat caused stalemate that causes the deaths of 60,000 Americans and several others who later died from their war wounds and those who were maimed physically and mentally their entire life all for NOTHING! We need a REPUBLICAN, not a RINO, president if we’re going to risk the lives of US Military personnel. The eastern Mediterranean is beginning to look more like the Gulf of Tonkin. When Nixon let the Air Force us B52s to rain down bombs on Hanoi we finally got the North Viet Nam’s puppet government to the negotiating table. Trump bombed the crap out of Isis and finished them. That’s the kind of use of military force we need. Not some stupid dumb ass dummycrat who only wants to fill body bags with American military personnel and deny them victory.

  5. All IS being REVEALED. The Whole Global Cabal, demoncRATs and RINOS, ALL SATAN’S DEMON SPAWN MINIONS DESERVE DIRT NAPS. NCSWIC, WWG1WGA, and P.A.N.I.C. LGB,FJB! President Trump’s still my President. I’m not a BOT nor a Spammer. I’m a American Veteran, Trucker and GreatGrandpa. Yahweh save our poor souls Amen. The unseen war’s raging on.

  6. This corrupt,lying,racist,senile,frail,old,puppet, fool, has doomed our country,because he is a egotistic,narcistic,delusional,embarrassing,failure on every front. We are hated,by our allies,because they don’t trust this mentally unstable fool, our enemies are making a laughing stock out of him and america.Hidenbiden will probably be dead by the election time,he has been running on empty, since he was installed, as pretending president.He needs to be removed before he gets us nuked.How many mistakes for one to make, before the country is fed up with embiciles,that are totally incompetent,and dangerous like this president and administration.


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