news9todaysnewswinner VICTORY: Georgia Will Watermark ALL Ballots, Enforce 100% Voter ID, MASSIVE Election Fraud CrackDown By The Patriots Brief - May 10, 2024 6 1840 FacebookTwitterPinterestWhatsApp IMAGE ABOVE FROM VIDEO BELOW TOP COMMENTS FROM VIDEO BELOW PENNSYLVANIA FOR TRUMP. Trump 2024❣️ Texas! We have to take back our country!
VOTER ID should have been enforced year’s ago. We have to take ever precaution to keep the election from being scammed. Reply
I sure hope so and every single state needs to do this or we will have another fraudulent election!!! Reply
Illinois will always go blue because the dems have controlled the voter rolls since the 1930s. They have not cleaned them since that time. Reply
VOTER ID should have been enforced year’s ago. We have to take ever precaution to keep the election from being scammed.
That’s right!
I sure hope so and every single state needs to do this or we will have another fraudulent election!!!
Illinois will always go blue because the dems have controlled the voter rolls since the 1930s. They have not cleaned them since that time.
Watermarks are needed because Democrats are CROOKS.