Well… This backfired spectacularly. lol



Imagine calling wanting to save unborn babies”extreme” but NOT advocating aborting (killing) them up until birth…

I may be extreme in my view, but I don’t think there’s a single baby in any woman’s womb, who ever did anything deserving of being murdered.


  1. As Ronald Regan stated, As I see it only those advocating for abortion are already born!

    Why is someone killing a pregnant woman charged with two counts of murder by our laws and yet killing an infant in the womb by abortionist are not a murder.

    Maybe, it’s not to late to turn the tides, those advocating abortion can give up thier life, so the baby in the womb can have a chance to experience life.

  2. How about birth control? Have any of these pro-abortion activists thought of that, including sterilization? We don’t want these idiots being parents anyway. Abortion is NOT birth control! There are many ways to prevent unwanted pregnancies – let me count the ways…

    • How many means of Birth Control are available to the women today? Anything from rubbers to pills, right, and problaby a lot more. There is even the day after pill for those who do not want babies. How do women no know they are pregnant with all the stuff I saw my wife go through in he first few weeks of our “wanted” pregnancy? Egads, that is hard to ignore. At the first sign if nothing was done to prevent a pregnancy, at least end it in the first week or so with the pill, before the new human really knows it really exists.

  3. What is so hard about having a permanent procedure done so a pregnancy doesn’t occur? If anyone doesn’t want to become pregnant then by all means get it done. For people who after a certain time decides they want to have a child then there are birth control options out there. Abortion shouldn’t be a form of birth control. Why doesn’t an unborn child have their rights? It’s not their fault they are conceived but they are being disposed of like trash. Some of these women should be thankful their parents didn’t abort them. How can people live with themselves is beyond me.

  4. The dummycrats sure are the poster people for abortion. Who would ever want another Pelosi or Biden or Schumer in the world, just to name a few. Since these people also support after birth abortion we can start with preforming after birth abortions on the entire dummycrat party.

  5. Those people that identify with a specific political party and also identify as supporters of abortion through birth, in my mind are no better than a Lucifer destroying what should be considered our future. But then again, some of those people appar to be mentall ill and warped anyway.


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