Well.. You know what this means.



“Ask the people who are no longer here?”
Do you mean all of those who voted for Biden from the grave?

At this point, does Trump even need to run campaign ads?

Biden is more than capable of helping him get elected.


  1. Like was stated in the bible, “don’t cast pearls before the swine’s.” The view is no better example of that saying!

  2. Whoopie is a sanctimonious bitch who thinks she is so important and whatever she says is true. She is a hypocrite, a liar and the View needs to be taken off the air. Whenever they have a Republican on that show they attack the person with a vengeance never giving the person a chance to talk, it’s disgusting the way these hags act. As far as Killary Clinton being on these late night liberal talk shows acting like she is relevant mouthing off about President Trump having all of these charges ( which by the way are all false ) but blabbing to audiences to campaign for Biden which is typical because both her and Biden are crooked, corrupt, money hungry liberals who only want money and power, they don’t care about this country or the people of this country. Everything liberal left democrats touch turns to shit.

  3. Wow all I can say is WOW, I don’t know how or why I received the email, but yes it was sent to the wrong person me a Black Woman in America who truly believes in the one and only True God and not your orange one. I was going to really say something nasty but I can’t my Lord and Savior won’t let me. So Be Blessed have a nice life and I will continue to pray that the orange devil NEVER gets back into America’s Whitehouse again.


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