Western women are finding out the hard way.



And they will STILL vote democrat.

How do these women know they were punched in the face by a man? Did the attacker give pronouns?


  1. I do agree with the most part of this assessment concerning the problems in New York City. What I don´t like is the constant bashing of Democrats.

    • Well I do. I grew up one and watched their lib/hippy lunacy start ruining the party so I left it. Yes, I joined the Repubs for a while until they stuck us with Tricky Dick and started their decline into the worthless of today with only a few exceptions.

    • Alexander–these are all Democrat policies that are causing all the problems, soft on crime, no bail, immigration, sorry I would need 2 more hours to finish. Clearly, you are part of the problem, you voted for these Marxists.

      Wakeup my fellow American.

  2. Let’s get it straight. Obama is bringing them here to change voting districts, get them to vote for Democratisch-Marxists and to collapse this country for the “New World Order”. MaGoo is just there for his signature block. Don’te vote DEM! This mess must be cleaned up, these 2 people need to make little rocks from big ones.

  3. Democrats are the ones supporting and virtue signaling the wide open borders, the central government telling you what to drive and cook on, so yeah democrats should be bashed for all the problems they caused!
    And democrats vote lock-step like the socialist Nazis they are!

  4. Democrats need to be bashed. They are making life in the major blue cities a nightmare for the people living there. Their corruption is destroying the government and they are trying speed the process. Liberals destroy everything they touch & this is a perfect example.


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