What Happens This Week Will CHANGE The World!!!



This country had better start taking care of ourselves. Instead of giving it all away.

This would not be happening with us sitting on the sidelines if we had strong American leadership. But we got Biden instead…


  1. Joe Biden comes from a line and has produced a line of pimps and whores,,, all interchangeable for thirty pieces of Silver. My question is instead of Jan. 6th, a massive display, why wasn’t there a quiet, skilled few accurate assassigns out there to take care of business in an extremely final way? It happened with Reagan, Kennedy x2, Ford . Jan sixth is all you got? Rethink the tyranny happening in front of our faces… and we let it go on

  2. All in all, Biden is as worthless as tits on a boar hog & not as interesting except for the TREASON & CORRUPTNESS he daily engages in-not to mention he’s a fucking IDIOT!!!

  3. I can’t believe that the people of the USA is standing back and letting this damn so called idiot we call a president get away with taking our retirement and savings accounts and forcing the digital dollar on the people. This is theft in the highest way. You think things are bad now just wait until they get there hands on your bank and savings account then you can kiss your freedom good by. He should of of been impeached the day his no accou t self snuck this bullshit bill through congress. This is just my opinion. This world is head in to a big time recession and we the people are just letting it happen, well guess what people life is fixing to suck big time because of one person’s screw up.

    • I believe that the people are awake. If someone has the solution to fixing this problem that Americans are facing, I’m all ears. As a member of “We The People” where can I sign up to fix this issue. Does anyone have a solution to the problem facing America? I keep reading from various opinions and comments on various web sites, that say “we the people are just letting it happen”. Please tell us what we need to do to stop this. You may say, vote out the offending congressmen. But how do we do that when more than half of Americans want everything for free and the democrats are supplying it. Just sayin’

  4. Wake the hell up people, When are the sheepies of america, going to realize,what this incompetent,failure of a pretending,president is doing to our country.The senile,lying,frail,old,puppet,fool, commie has sold us out to our adversaries.He and most dumbocraps hate this country, and wants it to fail.When are african=americans,hispanics, poor, going to see, that this delusional president, has replaced u with illegals, he doesn’t give a dam about u,or americans,they love their illegals,to replace u and your vote.Wake up,or vanish.This isn’t a dumbocrap party anymore,it’s a radical,liberal,progressive,socialist.marxist.communist,party helping sell out america.Vote republican, if u want to save america.


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