WOKE HIGH SCHOOL PUNISHED AND Trans Athlete BANNED After Trying To Sneak On Women’s Volleyball Team!



It’s really sad to see kids protesting stuff like this. They have no clue. They’re just doing it just to get out of class.

Anytime someone gets hurt because a guy is playing on female teams, the school, school board, legislature and anybody else allowing it, should be held criminally liable.


  1. What will it take to get all the idoits to understand, it’s called girls sports for a reason. Not i want a be girls sports. You know the democrats only did this BS for the alphabet votes. That and a distraction to keep you busy looking another way while they slip BS into our government befor we have a chance to see and to stop them. Like they tryed to do with a 2k page law bill with gun control in it. And God knows what else was in it. The Republicans gas like a couple of days to read it all and didn’t get through half of it befor the vote went through. Democrats planned that out really good. Still Illegally tho , but still very well planned out. I mean what do laws mean to the far left Communist democrat party. They broke every one of them so far. But try to use them on Trump. Go figure !!! Don’t get me wrong iam not voting for Trump, but still if they can fix elections by the way their trying to do with Trump. Then they will do the same to any who stands against them. That’s the real problem with the far left Communist democrat party. Fix that, or suffer the for it.

  2. and what is up with these parents..!!?????
    they are supposed to be protecting this child & not exposed to any transgendering..!! these children are hurt mentally & need counciling & NOT FROM ANY DEMON-RATZ as they are the main cause..!! we can BLAME obozo & his Demon-RATZ INDOCTRANATION ADMISTRATION ON UNEDUCATION & LACK OF GODLYNESS to blame for these OTROSITIES AGAINST HUMANITY..!! WE NEED TO TAKE BACK OUR COUNTRY BEFORE ITS TOO LATE…!!

  3. I really believe extremely punitive civil penalties would impress them more. Being convicted of some crime would just simply give them a news platform that would let them pretend to be victims of sexist or something. A few bankrupt schools that cease to exist would be far more impressive to them.


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