My take is: A little, entitled, rich, mental and brainwashed bitch boy murdered a hard working real American who rose up from the ranks. It makes no difference if he arose to corporate CEO status. He exemplified what work, vision, and grit does. All the jealous self-hating losers need an ugly stick upside the head. They will then be made happy.
The medical insurers are in the game of PROFIT. Circa 1980’s, the insurance industry put together a plan. The insurance companies issued books that listed every single organ which had a specific code. The codes were assigned to every disease , trauma , cancers, fractures etc. Example: you break a leg. There would be a code for which leg, which bone , and a code for the type of break. Was the break a hairline fracture? Compound fracture? Thereby the doctor was compelled to use every code correctly in order to get paid for service. NOW this created a new problem. The hospital and private doctors were forced to hire CODERS to help get payment from the insurance companies. Yes children, there were doctors who abused the insurance companies, there were insurance providers who abused the hospitals and patients. It still did not stop the increase in costs for services rendered.
The biggest problem lay at the feet of SOCIALiZED medicine. The increase in taxes is HUGE!
Another huge cost are people who go to the emergency room, receive drugs, care, tests , food and leave AMA: Against Medical Advice! The hospital passes this cost to the patients with insurance. Next huge cost: fancy diagnostic equipment. The list goes on. Private rooms and television increases the costs verses wards.
I have worked in hospitals with wards and all private rooms. The patient gets the short end of the stick. Did I mention DRUG Companies??
My take is: A little, entitled, rich, mental and brainwashed bitch boy murdered a hard working real American who rose up from the ranks. It makes no difference if he arose to corporate CEO status. He exemplified what work, vision, and grit does. All the jealous self-hating losers need an ugly stick upside the head. They will then be made happy.
The medical insurers are in the game of PROFIT. Circa 1980’s, the insurance industry put together a plan. The insurance companies issued books that listed every single organ which had a specific code. The codes were assigned to every disease , trauma , cancers, fractures etc. Example: you break a leg. There would be a code for which leg, which bone , and a code for the type of break. Was the break a hairline fracture? Compound fracture? Thereby the doctor was compelled to use every code correctly in order to get paid for service. NOW this created a new problem. The hospital and private doctors were forced to hire CODERS to help get payment from the insurance companies. Yes children, there were doctors who abused the insurance companies, there were insurance providers who abused the hospitals and patients. It still did not stop the increase in costs for services rendered.
The biggest problem lay at the feet of SOCIALiZED medicine. The increase in taxes is HUGE!
Another huge cost are people who go to the emergency room, receive drugs, care, tests , food and leave AMA: Against Medical Advice! The hospital passes this cost to the patients with insurance. Next huge cost: fancy diagnostic equipment. The list goes on. Private rooms and television increases the costs verses wards.
I have worked in hospitals with wards and all private rooms. The patient gets the short end of the stick. Did I mention DRUG Companies??
She just can’t say stuff like that.