Woman Exposes Why Democrats Win Elections!



It’s the emotional voting that’s the problem. Emotional men/women are so easy to sway.

As a gen z, single, black/hispanic woman who votes logically. I’m willing to give it up I despise this sensitive, overly emotional, and irrational society.


  1. It’s absolutely ridiculous that women mainly vote from an emotional standpoint. Have some brains and muscle women and I don’t mean the kind that alienates you from men. If you truly stop and think and care about your children you don’t want them having a bunch of crying tears for every time something is painful. I taught my kids that life is not fair, ever, so learn to navigate it with good health and emotional well being!!

  2. Who in the hell are these two buffoons? Kevin, you should have to deal with THIS stupid woman!! Guess what—You would have been aborted even if I (who was in control of my uterus) let your twin brother live.

  3. It’s a proven fact that there were many women who participated in the 2020 election theft by ballot box stuffing and illegal vote counting. Then there’s always the reliable dead women who are resurrected every 4 years to vote dummycrat.

  4. Women voters have done more to hurt their children and ours that any block of voters. First, they are too emotional and get played by Marxist Democrats like fools. These liberal white women who live sheltered lives are clueless.

    WAKEUP, these sick pervert Democrats are ruining this great country

  5. I’m open to discussion if not Trump if not a GOP than who ? Biden Cackles knowing full well a vote for Biden is electing Cackles I agree Cackles can’t do anymore damage then what’s been done but she can’t repair any damage either .. It’s obvious the GOP House has the smoking Gun on the Biden boys especially that human waste Hunter who is perfectly safe with dad influence they have the gun but they can’t pull the trigger without creating an unbelievable amount of chaos if there was ever a time for a peaceful transition this it so who can the next President be ???


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