You Won’t BELIEVE What CNN Just Said About Biden!!!



Joe Biden is nothing like my Grandfather .Who was not
a democrat or a traitor !

Would you give this grandpa even the keys to the car? Yikes Biden is just toasted MAGA all day long.


  1. Joe Biden and his entire administration is so evil and corrupt. Them along with the Clintons, Pelosi, Obama, Shummer, Schiff, all are evil and corrupt. Why would none of these want what is best for this Country instead of destroying it ?

      • Actuall, Marie, the plan goes all the way back to around 1900 when the ACLU was formed. The founding wimp said “Communism is the ultimate goal.” The communis infiltrated the democrat party and over 100 years time, they completely transformed it into the dummycrat party communist. They those the democrats because they were more likely to be good useful idiots.

    • Man you are on, they all tried a failed to impeach Trump. Think about it if they had there would no one to stop from taken away America that we all love so much..👍

  2. Because all of them are either Communists or leaning in that direction. What really pisses me
    off is that I dedicated my life in
    fighting Communism by serving
    in the military, which is now going
    to Hell in a handbasket. I took an
    Oath to defend this country and
    the Constitution against all enemies
    foreign and domestic. I still believe
    in that Oath. It appears that those Commiecrats have forgotten about
    that Oath and what it stands for. I haven’t.

    • Yes this is pissed off many of our Conservatives and those who joined the military to protect and defend our country from invasions, and the Democrats who are turning communists want China to take us over. Biden is compromised, and so are many of the Democrats in power!

  3. Idiot president Joe Biden and he’s evil democrats and George Soros has to go no matter what take Joe Biden out before we are a spinning grave yard nothing but dead people wake up people or we will all die under this idiot president Joe Biden

  4. You are correct, he will do anything to collect money from other countries, like China, Romania, Ukraine and line his pockets. Obama has let this man turn our country into a cesspool, our corrupt media has covered for this ibecile, and it is time that Kevin McCarthy does his job, or we will get him out. This Impeachment Inquiry is time to get to the bottom of the insanity of this leadership, which includes Obama and the rest of the swamp! I bet these swamp dwellers are getting scared. The Jan 6 committee will be exposed, DOJ, FBI, CIA, IRS, AND SECRET SERVICE will all be exposed, the media,Pelosi, Capitol Police, Michael Byrd, and everything that we know is the truth will come out to haunt these misfits!

    • well Marie you are right on your reply except that obama let him turn our country into a cesspool Obama is the one that IS turning our country into a cesspool because Biden is the puppet and Obama pulls the strings its all Obamas doing we know Biden is a dementia idiot and 99.99 % of the time Biden does not know what day of the week it is and his so called doctor wife is a fkg JOKE Obama has hating our country his whole life AND AND he hates his own mother because she is a white women and his daddy is black i truly hope & pray that we get president Trump BACK in our white house Trump & Trump with his administration have the balls & the know how to save and bring our country back from the sewer that Obama & Biden have got us in and i absolutely believe that the DOJ FBI CIA IRS & THE SECRET SERVICE along with the Obamas the Clintons the Bidens and the whole Biden administration and his family should be arrested & prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law and face a firing squad for treason against our country and they are blaming Trump for all the shit that they are the ones doing and the puke face wills and smith should be arrested and lose their law license along with bragg all these rotten to the core Sorros appointed prosecutors are the ones that should be in prison for the rest of their worthless lives and Sorros should have been taken out years & years ago as he is a war criminal

  5. Biden and the democrats are trying to take over everything that we do. If this new money starts the 87,000 irs agents will be incharge of every cent you spend.if they want you to use a woke store to buy things you will not have a option but to do it. People need to realize that, they will be in control of your money. They will have to approve or decline every time you buy something. In the bible this is called the mark of the beast. And you can neither buy or sell without it. If you think im kidding then I have to tell you I am not.
    Biden and the democrats have either made a deal with the devil or one of them is satan himself.
    They will be able to control everything we do with this new money. They will be able to control every person in the United States. This will be the end of our country. Remember I said they control every bit of our money, and remember he will take our retirement money. And our savings. Once he does this and it will be soon. What we will have is a democratic dictatorship. They will always be in charge. They will be able to cut our water and electricity off they can, take our houses away even our food, all they have to do is not approve what we want to buy. They will even be able to stop us from getting any more money. If they don’t put it on the card. Many of you think they would never do this but I am telling you it is what they intended to do. They have always been power crazy. They dont play fair. Biden has shown us he doesn’t care about the people of our country. How many times has he shown this. He can’t even tell the truth. There isn’t a day that goes by he hasn’t lied. All you have to do is look at what he says and does. Why do you think he has let 7 million illegals into our country. All you have to do is look at what we have been talking about for the last 10 years SS is going to go broke, and he is letting these people in on all of our programs. Welfare. SS all the grant money. And some states are talking about making illegals police officers. Now this is nothing but a take over. You think its bad now wait until the new money starts. I don’t think we will have to worry about the election, there isnt going to be one. At first I thought he was going to use the illegals to vote for him. But it may well be they are his new army. But as I said if they control everything money wise. They dont need an election. If you dont behave then you get no food to eat. This is just how evil this man is. He knows he is lying to us and may well be playing all of us for fools. Can we take this chance. Do any of you want to allow him to do this. I dont care if you are a democrat or a republican. He will be in control of everyone. Don’t think because your a democrat he isnt going to do the same thing to you. Because he is. He wants to be in charge and this gives it to him. They have shown pictures of him with the red face on the internet. These may just be a warning from God telling us not to believe him. If God sent these signs and we ignored them. He may well allow this to happen. The reason is because we have thrown him out of our country. We have allowed our people working for the government to take over. People have just sat back and let it happen. We need to tell our people in Congress to stop this now dont wait. Tell your elected officials to stop Biden from doing this. This new money and taxes will be the end of us. Go back and look at what God allowed to happen to the Jews. Every time they threw him out they became slaves to other countries. And until they went back to God that is where they stayed. No many how many years it was. But if we allow this to happen and it is the end times. It will be over with. Christ will return. And the world as we know it will be over with. The United States is not mentioned in the end times because we have no power to do anything to stop it and this is exactly where Biden has taken us. So if you people of Congress dont stop this new money it is over with. And please don’t believe everyone is going to heaven. If that were true then why does his word talk about people hiding from the lord Jesus.
    Mountains will move out of place. This will go on for 7 years. Before the end come and you have no idea what it will be like. What we have to due is pray to God Bring him back into our country. Put him back in our schools and Courts. Put him back into everything we do. We need to pray day and night. Dont think he doesn’t know what is going on he does. And his word will be done. He is who created us and who can let us be destroyed. Just look at the end of the bible. Read it it tells us what is going on and what will happen. He will be looking at what we are doing. And if he sees its not going to happen. Then he will allow what is about to happen, happen. Every bit of what I am talking about is in the bible for us to look at. Like I said tell your Congress men to stop this new Biden deals. If you don’t then you are helping Satan to take over. God will not stay where he isn’t wanted.

  6. First of all, He’s not my PRESIDENT! A true President wouldn’t destroy his country.
    He lies everytime he opens his mouth, never admits to any wrong doings, it’s always Republicans fault, (PAT YOURSELF ON YOUR BACK JOE!! )
    SMILE your crooked evil smile!!
    American citizens are seeing ÿou for the LIAR ÿou have BEEN, all along!! You have been nothing but a CORRUPT, SELF SERVING, puppet!! ŸOU Use The Hearts of the American people to Sympathize & feel sorry for ŸOU!! Some of us know ÿour tactics, it’s so obvious. We don’t feel sorry for A Seated Leader , that has only his Families interest at heart- All the while AMERICAN CITIZENS suffer at the hands of an incompetent Brainless LIAR-IN-CHIEF!!

  7. The American people better Wake up before this Administration totally destroys America and our way of life. Democrats are trying to turn us into a Communist Country.

  8. The DEMS are getting ready to get rid of Biden for more reasons than his piss poor performance. THey know that his ass is about to be exposed in regard to his ilegal , immoral dealings with China, Iran, Ukraine, and all the other countries who paid this WHORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. Cornell f’in WEST ,,,????????????? are you kidding me… Another Obama only a thousand times more woke? An AA with a chip on his shoulder. WE dont need any more AAs in the big house . they trigger backlash, just like Barry did…


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