you have lost your damn mind thinking ukraine owes us when they have been fighting and dying to stop russias agression. take me off your email list. NOW !!!!!!!!
You have lost YOUR damn mind( if you have one in first place) !!
Biden gave Ukraine billions of dollars to keep them quiet about his bribery , keep ck backs , etc !
The corrupt Biden crime family made billions of dollars from Ukraine
I think all Americans who support the Ukraine can join them in there fight the foreign legion is take any who will join
Iam tired of paying for every country’s wars if you don’t like it go join them in there fight and quit acting like pussy
you have lost your damn mind thinking ukraine owes us when they have been fighting and dying to stop russias agression. take me off your email list. NOW !!!!!!!!
You have lost YOUR damn mind( if you have one in first place) !!
Biden gave Ukraine billions of dollars to keep them quiet about his bribery , keep ck backs , etc !
The corrupt Biden crime family made billions of dollars from Ukraine
I think all Americans who support the Ukraine can join them in there fight the foreign legion is take any who will join
Iam tired of paying for every country’s wars if you don’t like it go join them in there fight and quit acting like pussy
If Russia wins the war in Ukraine, we won’t have to worry about Zelensky being a dictator anymore.