Al Sharpton HAS MELTDOWN After He ASSOCIATES Trump Saying “Riggers” to N WORD



Sharpton is delusional …thank you Brandon for telling the truth !

Al Sharpton himself presented an award to trump for his work in the Black community


  1. Ya’ see, they have no concept of vocabulary. I remember when it began to change years ago… This ass hole was probably instrumental in changing the idea of having a diamond ring on your left hand, in anticipation of marriage and the giver and receiver of this token are known as “fiances” Today, ask any minority who the person is that they”live” with and it is their ‘Fiances”… translate that to Ebonics speak… It means my current shack -up without the benefit and legal protection of marriage.. a legal contract. They are ignorant, racist, stupid ethnicity who are being held up by their own, trying to fill their pockets on the misery and ignorance of blacks/hispanics/ asians… What have they done to bring America up and lift their own with it?

  2. If the race hustling, con-artist, low life Al Sharpton is trying to raise money on election riggers interpreted as the n-word, it means he is out of money. This scumbag has lived his entire luxurious life hustling race. He is being out hustled by other black race hustlers. I hope he spends the rest of his life in poverty.

  3. I noticed that no one calls Al ‘reverend’ any more. That says a lot. Also why is Al NOT in jail for unpaid taxes? He still owes about 2 or 3 million in personal income taxes. What makes him so privileged?

  4. Com on man, al is the good Niger for the white master. He owes millons in taxs and crys about others . How about he fixs his own BS befor crying about others.

  5. “Rev. Jesse Jackson referred to Jews as “Hymies” and to New York City as “Hymietown” in January 1984 during a conversation with a black Washington Post reporter, Milton Coleman”

    Al SharpTON: “We will not stand by and allow them to move this brother so that some white interloper can expand his business.”

    Sharpton has made other racist, bigoted and anti-Semitic comments in the past. The Daily Surge video aired recordings of Sharpton complaining that ancient “Greek homos” stole civilization from Africans and justifying using the word “cracker” to reference white people.

    Sharpton has also made thinly-veiled references to Jewish people by calling them “diamond merchants” during the aftermath of the Crown Heights riots, which took place in Brooklyn in 1991. Sharpton, who led protests that led to the riots, said at the time “If the Jews want to get it on, tell them to pin their yarmulkes back and come over to my

  6. It is sad to see a supporter of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. cater to the political party that has kept the black people down. It is the democrat party that founded the KKK, that made Jim Crow laws preventing Blacks from voting, that were the largest slave owners and tried to destroy this great nation before the Civil War. Al Sharpton is making money off of race baiting and keeping his followers ignorant and on the democrats’ plantation. The man should be ashamed of himself and change, but I don’t believe that he will.

    • The elephant in the room — generations of fatherless, clueless young blacks, simply eating and breeding, with zero hope for intellectual or social development.

    • What a genius. Maybe if young black men returned to Africa, we’d have less crime, drugs, and illegitimate children, Oprahrie, dear.

      Just sayin for a friend.

  7. He needs to retire, the only thing he is good for is spewing race baiting and hateful language. He needs to go. He is a never been, only a token for the white democrat party to use him when they need hateful language blown up in our faces.

  8. When Al Sharpton wants to feel relevant he stirs the racism pot every time. I can’t believe people actually believe him but ignorance is bliss. Martin Luther King is flipping in his grave. Some black democrats knowing that Biden said Byrd who was a KKK leader was his mentor and they still believe Biden is this wonderful president, that’s so mind blowing! Sharpton should concentrate on stop trying to get away with paying his debts, several millions of dollars he owes the IRS and we don’t see them coming after him to pay, but let that be some Joe blow who is struggling to provide for his family and he will be fined for non payment. Sharpton is best buddies with Obama who will make sure Sharpton doesn’t get hassled by the IRS. He just needs to shut his ugly face and fade off into the sunset. President Trump has been there for all people of all races, he wants everyone to have a good life and be safe. President Trump loves this country and is doing everything he can to keep the USA the best place for all of us. Vote Red 2024!!! God Bless the USA!!

  9. Did al ever pay up on the taxs he owed ??? Shouldn’t he be more worried about that then what trumps doing ??? It was around 12 millon that he owed.


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