Biden Greeted With Extremely HOSTILE Response In Maui



I couldn’t agree with the local Hawaiians more.

How freaking embarrassing. Those that voted for this man should be ashamed of themselves.


  1. The American people better Wake up before this Administration totally destroys America and it becomes a Socialist Country.

  2. FJB.
    I can’t accuse Biden of being a Chinese mole. He’s too damn dumb. Russian spy, nope same reason. So he just hates the USA and wants to destroy it.
    Death to tyrants!!

    • Stupid senile old poopypants Joe IS a creature made up of body parts from dead people with an abnormal brain installed created by Dr. Frankenstein.

  3. What do you expect, the folks there suffered a TREMENDOUS loss, loss of life, loss of family, loss of their Pets, loss on top of loss and DUMBAS JOE is too busy Vacationing again, SOB is constantly Vacationing, he’s a Joke and rather pay Billions to Ukraine then send necessities to Maui and Lahaina, there’s a huge Military presence in Oahu that could of been dispatched with food, water, and anything else needed, but there wasn’t a peep from the IDIOT in the White House

  4. The Hawaiians should’ve given stupid old senile poopypants Joe a tour of the basement of the USS Arizona with an anchor tied around his scrawny neck.

  5. If not for the far LEFT MEDIA radicals who dictate policy to the sheep of this country , Americans would realize that the majority of us, those not purchased with his lies and broken promises from the last campaign,
    (The WOKE , the freaks, the welfare parasites) would all have the same attitude towards this resurrected mummy turd. f*uck you Biden. The dark state who handle him found a “mark” whom they could manipulate, buy off and sway with a few pieces of silver. He needs to go. VOTE, vote, vote .. Get rid of him. Save America from the needy, victimized, abused, chronically pissed off LEFTIES… They have destroyed self-assurance, confidence, satisfaction, effort, , and joy in the human race. When that concept is accepted , then folks are always looking for someone to blame and someone to SAVE them… A perfect description of the Left wing Democrats… LOOSERS masquerading as their saviour.

  6. If not for the protection of the Radical Left Media who program the sheep in this country, it would be revealed that most people who are not WOKE, freaks, or parasites that he purchased with his lies in his last campaign, are equally disgusted, fed up, ashamed and afraid of this senile turd and what he will say and do next at the behest of the dark state who handle him. He is a puppet , a mummy who has been resurrected to accommodate the massive corporations, like Burisma, Pfizer, Moderna, Black Rock. The money men, the real rulers who want to dominate the globe. He needs to go. F*ck you, Branden!!! Vote, VOTE, VOTE, VOTE…. In massive numbers… Vote this fcker OUT

  7. Why would anyone have respect for Biden, president or not. He is a con artist, a thief, an extortionist, a pervert, a child molester and a mass murderer. I wouldn’t get within a mile of him for fear I breath in some of the same air he did.


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