What does “FAT” have to do with anything? I have heard that over and over… MY question to anyone is … Tell me about his policies, what he is for or against that effects America, its future , its safety, its border, its economy… Other than being fat and against Trump, what can you tell me about him? Anything? We scrape the surface of every candidate and hate them based on social media, appearance, anything but the grass roots of their campaign.. Not saying I’m for or against him… just sayin’
If Christie was so great then why didn’t he get re-elected as governor of New Jersey? A dummycrat state like New Jersey should’ve re-elected Christie after he gave Obama that great big hug on national TV.
Christie’s just a democrat in a blow up suit! No one cares what you think!
Hey that’s FAT BASTARD
What does “FAT” have to do with anything? I have heard that over and over… MY question to anyone is … Tell me about his policies, what he is for or against that effects America, its future , its safety, its border, its economy… Other than being fat and against Trump, what can you tell me about him? Anything? We scrape the surface of every candidate and hate them based on social media, appearance, anything but the grass roots of their campaign.. Not saying I’m for or against him… just sayin’
If Christie was so great then why didn’t he get re-elected as governor of New Jersey? A dummycrat state like New Jersey should’ve re-elected Christie after he gave Obama that great big hug on national TV.
He is for man sucking penis and sticking their penis in men’s buttholes what else do you want to know about the fat bastard
Chris Christie is a RINO, pure and simple. At least he doesn’t try to hide it, I’ll give him that!
Trump 2024 for a safer more peaceful world.
other than christie being rude and inconsiderate, what does he do? why is he even relevant?
No one wants to see a Pres. Christie’s first year Major Accomplishment “Getting his ass Unstuck” from the presidential bathtub.
Christy is just a lying Democrat spreading lies right and left.