Jim Jordan FAILS To Become Speaker After MASSIVE GOP Backlash!



Cmon, get this done Republicans, Jordan!

I’m so frustrated with these republicans!!


  1. you people better get it together!!!!!! The country is watching you
    continue to act like 2nd graders!!!!! Get a grip and get a Leader!!!
    Rome is burning….crap, enough already

  2. Damn fools in the House are doing the dummycrat’s dirty work for them. This is why Trump had so much trouble. Republicans just can’t work together on anything. When it comes to destroying the country, dummycrat are in lock step with each other. They were disappointed with McCarthy but now they refuse to rally around anyone. Time to start calling this party the Whig party.

    • I agree! Bunch of childish stupid damn attitudes REPUBLICANs shame on them!! I’m very disappointed with these kind of Republicans in name only? Shame on them


  4. Get the names of all these RINOS who didn’t vote for Jordan, publish them so we can primary them & get them the hell out of congress. They won’t starve, they will always be welcome on MSNBC, CNN, FOX, OR THE VIEW. FJB ULTRA-MAGA MIKE

    • The names are on the Western Journal website. When I read through that list, some of the jerks that voted against Jordan voted for people who aren’t even in the running. I can understand loyalty to Scalise or McCarthy, but from what I saw on that list it’s just plain ridiculous.

  5. I much rather have Republicans in control doing shit then Democrats in control destroying America and Republican rhinos are just Democrats in Republican disguise

  6. What is it with you guys? Deaf, Dumb and Stupid? What is it you are looking for besides helping the current terrorist, traitor groups that have taken over our country?
    Have y’all given any thought to where your families might end up if you continue this noncense? They won’t be any better off they the rest of us! You are not doing the job you swore to uphold when you were elected. Do you care about our country at all or did you choose the wrong party?

  7. I’m so sick of these supposed, Republicans that can’t get their egos out of the way and do what the people, real conservatives, want. Everyone of them needs to be voted out! Playing right into the dumbocrats hands! You are nothing but fools, who doesn’t care about the people in America! Rinos are what you are! I, for one, am tired of this crap! Get behind Jim Jordan or resign!

    • You are 100% correct. It is past time to het serious about electing a Speaker. We elect people we think are smart, but when they get into Congress with posh committee assignment, they turn into self-centered asses. I’m so PO’d, I’m looking at at a Kennedy. Dad is probably spinning in his grave at that remark.

  8. we the people are tired of our government we the people know whoever the speaker is will be just as useless as the one before Congress job is to distribute we the peoples money in a meaning full way this is not happening we the people are supporting two wars and at the same time we are letting who knows who cross our southern border we are allowing Americans to live on the streets and gutters but providing shelter food medical care to people that should not be here we the people are tired of deals and packages we the people are just plain tired

    • John Monaghan – I, too, am sick and tired as to what is happening in D.C. I truly thought they would have voted in a Speaker by now. This is taking way too long, and while they dilly-dally, nothing seriously important is getting done, and things must get done soon. I will never become a Democrat as their party is so far left, they will never find their way back. But right now, the Republicans are making me blush with their foolishness. Regardless what people say, I know our country would not be in the messed up condition it is in if Trump was our president. Oh, how I miss him. I don’t miss how he spouts off, but he did have our country in good shape, and for that I thank him. Let’s make America great again, if it is not too late.

  9. Pick someone.. rally around somebody but get it together! Why are these reps picking a nobody? Scalise already backed down. McCarthy said he’s leaving and Jim Jordon is there standing around waiting for you fools to make a decision. Stop wasting people’s time!

  10. You people in congress better get your head and ass wired together!!!
    What the hell is your problem!!!! Seems your a bucket of fools!!! How
    can we vote for you repub’s when your playing Romper Room like
    childern !!! This country is in a mess and YOU bunch should not be
    contributors to the mess!!! Get this done or turn in your notice and
    leave……..your the laughing stock of the country now……GET A
    Grip!!!! Get a Speaker ( no democrats or Rino’s ) NOW !!!!! This making
    the Demo’s look good!!! YOUR BAD : (((

  11. U rhino repukes, are turning the voters against u,that is about as stupid as it can get.Were fkg sick of republicans games,get your act together and elect Jordan,or lose speakership to a anti=semetic,jackass.I have never seen such sick,pathetic,incompetent,spineless politicians in my life in the repuke party.They can’t even agree on the simplist things,u screw us conservatives over again, and u lose the election for us.U will see what a civil war is.The dummycraps are pure evil,and the enemy of the american people.Yet people vote for these commies.

  12. If I could I would bitch-slap these no balls so called Republicans that don’t support Jim Jordon as speaker. America is in trouble. Do your jobs idiots.


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