Massachusetts Governor Wants Citizens To Risk Their Lives For Illegal Immigrants



I’m a Latina, Costa Rican. I came here legally, and I 100% agree these people should be vetted. illegal immigration needs to be controlled. This governor is off the charts crazy, she’s the one that needs to take in several families into her home.

If expedition of work privileges are given to these illegals then you must also waive work restrictions for those entering legally. You can’t give illegals privileges that those coming in legally aren’t given.


  1. The American Citizens in Massachusets, New York, Washington DC, Illinois, Oregon, California Colorado, New Mexico, & Washinton State are all suffering because they supported the Democrats with their leftest ideals! I think American Citizens should come first and the illegals that the Dems allowed into America are being supported by the corrupt Dem party and the current idiot in the White house!

    • The illegals should be sent to Hollywood where the stars are, Barry’s homes (Obama), to every governor who supports illegals and the most welcome place of all – Martha Vinegared.
      I want our next president (hoping Trump or any Rep.) to hire thousands of ICE agents and have them round up every illegal and send them back to Mexico.

  2. Wouldn’t iot be nice if the idiot in the White House would send the 6 Billion dollars to the Residents and businesses in Maui Hawaii? I am a very strong believer in Charity belongs at home first! The Dems allowed the illegals of 10 million into our country to vote in the 2024 election. The SCOTUS needs to wear some balls and support Donald J. Trump and the Extreme attempt the leftest are trying to pull off over the American Citizens and taxpayers!

  3. One wonders how many she’s taking in. Once you let them in, you cant just kick them out. If you rent, your rent go’s up cause of more living there. So tell me why in the hell would I take any in ???

  4. the state that had a melt down when a bus load came to Martha’s vineyard
    and you want the residents to take them in that’s a nice joke and when we see you taking them into YOUR home
    than tell us about it
    until then put a sock in it wench

  5. All liberals (Dems are Satan led) and Yellow Back Republicans must be stopped NOW!! They are all guilty of TREASON AND will do anything to keep Trump out and keep their personal illegal wealth!! They know if anything of PERIL would make him a Martyr!!So they are doing everything to keep him out of the big seat except murder! We, 74,000,000 Plus American Patriots, MUST TAKE THEM ALL TO THE TRAIN STATION “NOW” MAGA!! TRUMP OUR ONLY PATRIOT CANDIDATE!!SAVE TRUMP SAVE AMERICA!!


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