Reporter BLASTS Pro-BLM PALESTINE Supporter for DEFENDING Hamas!



This male journalist is absolutely RIGHT! He is voicing what millions of us want to say!! How refreshing and courageous this journalist is; he’s as fed up with the lies are we are!!

There’s no place on the planet where it is ok to defend the deletion of innocent people, let alone 260 music festival attendees.


  1. BLM/Antifa are of course supporting Hammas. That’s what terrorist do. They may all have different ideas about Islamic communism but they all support it and will support any of their cowardly terrorist groups who make a move toward converting to the one world Islamic communist government goal. That’s why they go after Israel and the USA. Topple those two and the rest of world will fall in line. At least that’s what they think.

  2. Executing hostages on media is definitely the way to enhance your cause as an oppressed people of a tolerant religion- NOT!
    Wild, evil animals ( and I’m sorry to insult animals) that are rabid need to be put down with extreme prejudice.
    Appeasement gets you nothing.
    We have traitors in Congress- they need to be arrested and put into the same lockdown as the J6 “insurrectionists”. Only put them into general population so they have a chance to make new friends with The Brotherhood- up close and personal.

  3. If BLM members love Hamas so much why don’t they move there and help support them with the same actions they get away with here, domestic terrorism? The almost remind me of the Black Panther Organization of the 60’s and 70’s.

  4. Hamas is guilty of war crimes. Burning people alive, shooting teens in the back while they are running away, cutting heads off of babies or shooting them to death, removing eyeballs or other body parts while still alive, raping girls in front of parents is demonic. Israel allows non Jews to live in Israel…Gaza does not. Archeological digs prove the land belongs to the Jews. The Bible says God gave them that land and if you don’t want to be cursed…support Israel.


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